Looking for Pregen Sheets

Pathfinder Society


Are there pregenerated characters for Society beyond the Core Rulebook classes plus Gunslinger, Ninja, & Samurai? I found those as well as the Advanced Class Guide Pregens, but does anyone know where I can find the Magus, Witch, Inquisitor, Oracle, etc...?

Silver Crusade 3/5

There are 1st-level versions of the alchemist, cavalier, inquisitor, oracle, summoner, and witch in the back of Master of the Fallen Fortress. I do not know if they are legal for play in PFS.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Ring_of_Gyges wrote:
Are there pregenerated characters for Society beyond the Core Rulebook classes plus Gunslinger, Ninja, & Samurai?

Not at the moment. There are pregens in the Free RPG Day modules, but they are only valid for the module they're printed in (and I don't think the Master of the Fallen Fortress ones are even valid for that).

There might, and I stress "might", be a new crop of Pregens in a few months after the Advanced Class Guide comes out. There has been talk about it, but that may take some time.

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