Galthanas Silverthorne in Sandpoint?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I just came across the name Deputy Galthanas Silverthorne as a resident of Sandpoint. I don't recall seeing this name in Rise of the Runelords, so where did he come from? And what is he, as far as class and race goes?

Liberty's Edge

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When I first read the thread title, my mind immediately saw it as Gilthanas (from DragonLance)

That's all I have to contribute :)

Liberty's Edge

Where'd you come across it? I just checked the wiki and there's nothing...which inclines me to believe it's probably someone's homebrew character unless you found it somewhere official.

The Pathfinder wiki entry for Sandpoint. Listed as a resident.

Don't know who that character is, but the Golaropedia is a defunct wiki. It was abandoned several years ago due to conflicts with wikia (who apparently won't allow it to be closed down completely).

You should be using

And when I read "Thanis" I thought Tanis from Dragonlance. (Peanut Gallery full-circle)

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