lair-master |
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What do you think of this cantrip? I imagine it would be a fun spell for a bard to have handy. "Available for Birthday Parties & Bar Mitzvahs!"
Create Business Card
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 0 ft.
Effect One paper business card/level
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You introduce yourself and with a flick of your wrist produce an ordinary business card. Any attempt to pass yourself off as someone or something other than yourself requires a DC 12 Linguistics check. Failure results in a soiled business card with crudely-drawn letters containing multiple typographical errors. A business card used as part of a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check provides a +2 circumstance bonus.

Excaliburproxy |
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I love it. How can I produce like 10 business cards with a single flick of my wrist though? Sounds messy.
Does the business card have standard text? Like: will it always list your real profession and name unless you make the linguistics check?
I think that could give the spell a funny little bit of utility:
"Oh no! I have amnesia! Who am I?"
*casts business card*
"Oh. I am Dan Wolensky, professional motivational speaker."

ShallowHammer |

Business card is great and all, but how useful if you don't have a permament address (and presumably) no phone or email or other method of contact? I like the idea, though.
Castle guard: Who are you?
Bard: I'm Lord Ponytail!
Castle guard: What proof have you?
Bard: (poof!) here you go?
Castle guard: a piece of parchment with writing on it?
Bard: Yup. Let me pass, please....

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Business card is great and all, but how useful if you don't have a permament address (and presumably) no phone or email or other method of contact? I like the idea, though.
Good idea, maybe it opens up a higher version of the spell that creates a card that gives the holder a one-shot Sending spell. Or maybe the card gives someone a bonus to divination spells to find you (for good or ill)?

magpiewench |
I'm assuming you can cast it at a lower level if you just want 1 or 3 instead of 10 (or whatever).
The way my GM and I are having it work, is you can have it say whatever you want it to say when you produce it, which is nice for my bard...
"Bard Shadia, of Waterdeep, you can reach me through the Mage's Guild." (produce card with correct information) (truth)
"Shadia, daughter of House al-Nisa, in Calimport, if I can be of assistance, please contact me through my clan house in Raingleam street." (also true)
"Fatima, Second Assistant of Pasha Rasoud. You WILL let us through this gate. You may check my references once we are on our way." *produces card with Linguistics check* (very much not true)
(I love the idea for a higher level spell, a "calling" card, if you will)

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The higher level version of the spell should turn the card into a Bird Feather Token.
Unsure what spell level we're talking here though.

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Very quick, very rough draft of a higher level version of the spell.
Bard’s Impressive First Impression
School conjuration (creation); Level bard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 0 ft.
Effect 1 paper business card
Saving Throw none, Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as create business card, however it only creates a maximum of one card. This card can be freely given to anyone and lasts indefinitely. If a command word is spoken the card folds itself into a small paper bird (or some other small flying animal at the caster’s discretion), and records the next 25 words (or less) spoken by whomever activated the card. The bird will then fly unerringly to the caster of the spell at a rate of 200 miles per day if the caster is on the same plane of existence and deliver the message in the activator’s voice. Normal and magical barriers can block the bird from getting to the bard; however the bird will last as long as it takes to deliver the message. Once the message is delivered the bard has 1 day to reply in which the bird immediately flies back to deliver the message or the bard may dismiss the bird at which it disappears in a puff of feather-shaped paper shreds. The bird also knows the bard’s true identity if a false one was given, and knows to fly to the bard in the case that the bard was using someone else’s identity.