Games in a Similar Style

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Silver Crusade

Hi all,

I love this game and the simplicity of design, rules, and the cooperative nature. My wife even loves it and enjoys playing it and making her character better (now if I could just get her into Pathfinder RPG).

What I would like to know is if there are other games like this for the iPhone or computer format. A deck-building game that has a storyline, exploration, and a way to make your character better outside of finding new cards.

Willing to pay or can be free.


Not that I'm aware of - which is good, because I've been designing exactly that for the last two years!

.. although in a way, it makes me regret getting into P:ACG because it's such a solid implementation and I really don't want to tread on Mike's toes.

Of course, unless I get made redundant and that comes with a decent payoff, I won't have the time or the funding to code it this side of 2015 :(

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