illegal immigrant mass grave found in texas

Off-Topic Discussions

The Exchange

so those folks stopped and asked to prove citizenship and cant?

These were people who didn't get caught.

The story is written pretty badly. (Some of) The people found in the mass graves had been found in the desert years ago, identified, and the state had paid for their burial. Then either the funeral home or the cemetery cut some corners to make some dollars and just dumped them in a pit back out in the desert.

Agreed, this is phenomenally poorly written.

BigDTBone wrote:

The story is written pretty badly. (Some of) The people found in the mass graves had been found in the desert years ago, identified, and the state had paid for their burial. Then either the funeral home or the cemetery cut some corners to make some dollars and just dumped them in a pit back out in the desert.

Or the funeral home and the cemetery and the county officials...

I wonder if any aren't immigrants, but runaways, or lost hikers, or drug/gun runners, mob hits.

Scarab Sages

So far it just looks like a particularly disgusting funeral home making extra money by not following procedure... or feeling obligated to behave like decent humans. I'm from that area, and believe me, the worst interpretation being true wouldn't shock me, but this is just a mangled pieces of writing.

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