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Hello there. Have you ever had a campaign just abruptly end without a back-up plan? Did half of your group move away, get married, or are otherwise "in disposed"? Then I have the perfect solution for you...a Lords of Chaos game!
What is a Lord of Chaos game? I'm glad I predicted you would ask. And here is the complex answer to that simple question.
Lords of Chaos games are simply games where everyone makes a character at whatever level you decide them to start at BUT everyone must have a Chaotic alignment (CG, CN or CE). Additionally, the idea is for the players to make the most absolutely random, broken, and insane character they can create and just have fun playing them. Examples of characters include: a Fighter who thought he was a robot and would constantly remind the GM that he was in fact a robot, an Elven Wizard who hated that he was an Elf and cut his own ears to look more "human", a Half-Giant who carried a "stick of sneaky-sneaky" that he believed made him "invisible", a goblin alchemist who rode a Dire Bat and was afraid of "the man in red tights", a cleric who worshipped his previous PC, and many more.
Basically, if you are a player this is your opportunity to play that crazy combination that your GM has given you the stink eye about. This is a game where AM BARBARIAN could be a reality. The sky is the limit.
But how does one run a Lord of Chaos game? Essentially, you use Calvinball rules. What? You don't know what Calvinball is? You poor poor individual. Let me enlighten you. With the exception that it is you who makes up the rules as you go along. This is also a time for you the GM to through all of those really goofy and silly monsters and plots you have been meaning to run but have never had the opportunity. Want them to fight an Aboleth but are not having any sea adventures anytime soon? Just start your game underwater. Want to incorporate some cool aspect from some movie or TV show you just watched? Go ahead. The idea is that the crazier the game is the better it can be.
I have ran several of these games as filler between games. My players love them and they often look forward to the next one. If you have any questions about Lords of Chaos games feel free to post it in this thread. If you happen to run your very own Lords of Chaos game and want to post about it, do so here.