LilWilly5 |

Name: Jack
Class: Infiltrator(Assassin)
History: A genetically enhanced and breed human, he was subjected to many experiments and severe training to become the perfect soldier in a now disbanded project. He was implanted with an AI that ended driving him insane while giving him incredible skill with tech. During his early stages of insanity he barely could function but he eventually stabilized developing multiple personalities with a mix of his and the AI's personality. using their combined skills they escaped grabbing any equipment as they went out and leaving a virus that erased the projects existence form any server it could along with blowing up the facility. He know works as a mercenary hoping to get further knowledge on those that created him.
Personality: He is often found talking to himself often on trivial things. when in combat or on a job he seems focused and precise but is also known to constantly mock his opponents as he fights. Though he does work with others they often don't want to due this his constant talking and tendency to use insane tactics.

Tenro |

Name: Dreke Siol
Class (or career): Drell Assassin Infiltrator (Private Eye)
Short history: Dreke always had a lust for knowledge and was of an inquisitive bent, he was put to work as a criminal investigator on Kahje, the Hanar homeworld. Unfortunately for the mind of one needing constant stimuli, the Hanar were rather tame. With the few crimes requiring investigation being rather tame, Dreke chose to move on to the Citadel.
Dreke spent several years working as a C-Sec officer, primarily in Investigations division but later being an adjunct member of the Special Response Force. During his time with SRF, he worked a few crises where his ability to infiltrate were invaluable, notably saving eighty-six hostages by taking out a squad of eight criminals without a single shot fired. For his actions, he was promoted to Special Agent and is given slightly more latitude in dealing with crime, in particular being entrusted to take care of threats to the Citadel outside of C-Sec's jurisdiction (such as smuggling), provided he isn't caught.
As such, he has been involved in a few criminal eliminations on Omega, and a few extralegal extraditions to get criminals abroad to answer for their crimes on the Citadel.
Personality: He has a bit of a know-it-all attitude that often comes with having an eidetic memory, but has been working to rein it in because he has noticed chafing among his superiors in his presence. He has a serene, professional demeanor. He has no qualms taking a life, but also does not relish it.
Powers?: Tactical Cloak, Recon Mine, Drell Fitness (could change these if too redundant with other players, although sometimes redundancy is good for things like Tech Bursts, if we are going to be replicating that mechanic)

RinValak |

Name: Kas'Gala
Class/Career: Quarian Mercenary
Short history: Left on pilgrimage and was amazed by the outside world. He loved the dangers and excitement, telling himself he just hadn't found the right thing to bring back to the migrant fleet to conclude his pilgrimage. He still tells himself that, when he thinks of home, but it's been almost two decades. Now he is jaded, working for a powerful crime boss doing odd jobs--collecting debts, catching runaways, pushing out anyone who encroaches on the boss' territory, etc. Since he grew into adulthood away from the fleet, he had to retrofit his own clean room to design and build his own adult enviro-suit. Given his profession, he built it with heavy combat in mind, adding plenty of armor and targeting-assistance systems.
Personality: Kas still hopes to return home one day, but it's seemed less and less likely each year that passes. He has all sorts of excuses, some he even believes. Having an extremely 'even-keel', Kas is almost always steady and calm. He doesn’t like violence, but rationalizes that he needs the money to keep eating, so he can stay alive, so any violence he commits to get paid is merely self-defense. This thought process has made him fairly callous, but not without heart. On numerous occasions (when he thought he could get away with it) he helped people escape instead of killing them or shaking them down for credits. His boss has either never found out, or chooses not to punish him for whatever reason.

karlprosek |

Name: Dorian Kennet
Class (or career): Corporate security officer
Short history: Kennet is one of a number of clones of one of the founders of a successful, multi-system corporation. He and every one of his siblings was genetically engineered to achieve the peak of human ability. After decanting and their basic education, each was given specialized training. Dorian was focused on security and military skills and knowledge. He has worked extensively with his father's company's security apparatus as well as several independent security companies, including the Blue Suns and Eclipse.
Personality: Kennet is well aware of his special breeding and the fact that his genetic makeup and focused training have made him better than 99.9 percent of humanity at virtually any endeavor. He doesn't broadcast this knowledge, though, since he is adept enough at social interaction to know that lording this over other people would alienate them. He is a professional soldier and security officer, more than willing to take orders from his superiors and also more than willing to give orders in situations where he is in a position of authority. While an expert in hand to hand and armed CQB, when given the option in combat he focuses on maintaining full awareness of the battlefield and prefers to stay pack in the sniper role to give tactical updates to his teammates.

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Name: Stellak Persid
Race: Salarian
Class: Engineer / Demolitions
Short History: Stellak showed an early aptitude for chemistry and mechanical engineering, which soon led him to look into the more energetic uses of some of his research: explosives. The government gently maneuvered him through school and directed projects until he landed in the Special Tasks Group. Here, his comfortable knowledge of demolitions and curious, inquisitive nature led to successful missions rather than damaged laboratories.
Personality: Inquisitive, brutally honest, and more than slightly enamored with the idea of "improving" on his equipment, Stellak is a tinkerer and an inventor, who also loves to see stuff blow up. Not afraid of violence or direct action, he prefers the "overwhelming first strike" rather than prolonged gun battles.
Think Adam Savage from Mythbusters, if he were an over-caffeinated lizard person from space.

Qunnessaa |

I'm going to bow out of this one; after some reflection, I've decided that I'm playing in enough online campaigns already that trying for a spot here wouldn't be fair to anyone, especially since it's an investigation/interaction-heavy campaign, and I'll have much less time to post once school starts again in a couple of months. Have fun, everyone!

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Name: Jurdon Krax
Class (or career): Mercenary (Vanguard if possible)
Short history: Krax left Tuchanka to see the galaxy and meet new people... then kill them. His story is similar to many Krogan away from home. His only real deviation is his pet "Carnage." The Pyjak has gotten Krax into more trouble than anyone might expect. Krax' favorite story is how Carnage got him into the Blood Pack. Forsan Chuu was drinking at a Omega and noted Krax' pet. Taking issue with anyone not murdering the creature on sight, he decided to fix that problem. The amount of damage done to the bar was admirable and the young Krogan found himself indebted to Aria. The Blood Pack captain that Chuu had reported to decided to take a chance and bought off his debt. Krax has been working for the Pack since.
Personality: Krax is a rough and ready warrior that loves a good fight. He can be indifferent about most things, though he takes a great deal of umbrage with anyone messing with his Pyjak.

karlprosek |

On needing biotics, they're not all that necessary. My first ME2 run was soldier Shep, Tali, and Miranda and they did fine. I barely used Jack or Samara at all except in their loyalty missions. We've got... Grunt, Miranda, Thane, Mordin, Deadpool, and Quarian Iron Man. I think they can take care of whatever needs to be done, biotics or not. :)
On the other hand, Singularity is really cool.

Tenro |

I don't mind biotics, in fact in the video games i usually play a full biotic when allowed. I will look at what biotic powers go with my theme, but i will keep Drell Athletics i think.
might go full biotics, or biotics + tech, or maybe biotics + combat. i figure we probably have combat well in hand. I would be open to power suggestions, something to go with a "meditant" theme, sorta. Maybe stasis would be good for one in police-type work. drone, maybe. shockwave was always a fun one, in my opinion. same with that one that lifted bad guys, i liked that one because im not very good at FPS games so keeping them in place is helpful.
EDIT: on the rules, i cant find a free version out there. the one site that seemed legit is getting blocked by my antivirus. anyone with google docs or dropbox would be super appreciated.

mdt |

I always kept moradin, the others swapped. Garrus stayed a lot, but I later picked legion over him. Miranda stayed a lot too, and Thane.
I always kept the girls in, which girls depended on the mission. If I'm going to be playing for 60 hours, I'd rather watch females butts run around than male butts.

mdt |

mdt wrote:If recruitment is still open, I'd be interested, as long as there's no 'random 3 color' ending planned. :)I don't know about recruitment, but Synthesis is kind of an awesome ending. So is Control. Destruction is kind of lame, but is weirdly the only one where Shepard might be alive.
The whole concept of color coded endings was lame. Plus I hate the concept of 'Oh, little god child comes down and offers you only 3 options and you, who have spent 3 games making your own options meekly agree'.
They threw out every decision I made in the entire game. I saved the Rachii, nothing there. I made peace between the bots and Tali's people, no good there, that got thrown out too. I rescued the krogan race, nothing. Every decision I made in 3 whole freakin games, thrown out and made no difference.
Ubi panicked when someone leaked the original plot, so they threw together some half-baked ending that wasn't the original ending, and went with their '3 color ending'. blech.
I & II, awesome. III.. series ender for me. Traded all 3 games in a gamestop and deleted my saves.

karlprosek |

Saying a bad ending ruined the game doesn't make any sense to me. It's like saying you shouldn't read Stephen King because he sucks at endings. I mean, it's true, but that doesn't mean the 95% of the work that came before the ending is any less great.
I saved the Rachni and the queen sent me a 'whaddup' note on Ilium in ME2 and in ME3 having the real queen around prevents the Reapers from controlling the workers sent to work on the Crucible. That's a decent amount of follow-up for the results a side-quest from 2 games earlier.
I made peace between the quarians and the geth, and the geth helped the quarians resettled Rannoch and then showed up alongside the quarians to fight the Reapers in the final battle. That's pretty good, I think.
You might as well say that Kasumi, Miranda, Mordin, Thane, Wrex, or anybody else being unavailable in ME3 makes all your interactions with them in earlier games pointless. Sure, they're not with you in the end, but meeting them and playing with them earlier was still fun.

mdt |

Except the developer specifically said that the Indoctrination Theory was not what happened.
It was just, to me at least, a huge let down to have 3 endings that invalidated the entire concept of Sheperd (the man/woman who fought the galaxy to stop the inevitable to simply agree with the inevitable at the end with no fighting). Plus the endings were simply just a screen shot and that was it, no follow on or anything. It's as if the developer got so far and said 'eff it, send it out as is'.
The problem for me was, any replay was ruined, as I knew what (little) I had to look forward to.
I would have much preferred if the Indoctrination Theory had been correct, and corroborated by the Developer. With a better ending being free DLC a month or so after release.

LilWilly5 |

yeah they could have done better and that theory did make sense but i always felt the destruction was the bad choice. killing the reapers and all synthetics like the geth and many people needing them to survive. Also wondered what would happen if the people after the synthesis met with another galaxy?

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Recruitment is still open.
Sorry, my ISP is crappy so they cut off my internet because I pay my bills through my bank and the bank wasn't open last weekend. So they cut off my internet for 5 days.
I barely managed to make them reinstate it. Bastards.
mdt, what do you want to play? No color coded endings. I hated the ME endings. Always go with synthesis because i get to see EDI happy and smiling.
Anyway, there is the fourth ending. Refusal. Shoot the little f***er and tell him that you won't play his stupid game and that you and the rest of the galaxy would rather go down hard taking as many reapers with them as they could, than play it's sadistic little games.

mdt |

I was thinking a Drell former special forces sniper. Mild biotic abilities (basically, they'd have a fluke biotic ability to self heal, effectively rendering them immune to Kepral Syndrome). Because of this, once it was figured out, they were taken out of special forces by the Hanar and handed over to the biology specialists working on a cure for Kepral. After spending two years as a lab rat, they finally quit and went out to work on their own.
Glad you agree on the endings. :)

Azaelas Fayth |

This still going on? If so I might be interested. Using Dungeon World... Been a while since I even looked at it...
Is it heavily Modified or...?
Thinking a Krogan Heavy/Assault Gunner.
(Oddly enough was planning on using the Mass Effect Setting for my K.I.S.S. System Playtest. That or Defiance...)
EDIT(For your submission Template):
Name: "Ajax"
Class (or career): Mercenary.
Short history: A Former Warrior who was forced to live on the run for many years following his Warlord's defeat. Now he lives his life selling his skills as a Mercenary. Though it seems here recently he has mainly been working as a Bounty Hunter.
Personality: Gruff and Silent. Other than that your typical Krogan.

mdt |

Recap :
Tenro - Drell Assassin Infiltrator
twilsemail - Krogan Mercenary
RinValak - Quarian Mercenary
Qunnessaa - Asari Commando
karlprosek - genetically engineered human fighter
psionichamster - Salarian tech/demolitions
LilWilly5 - Genetically engineered human assassin
MDT - Drell Biotic Sniper
Azaelas Fayth - Krogan Mercenary
Random (1=Female, 2=Male): 1d2 ⇒ 1
Name: Rinat Slane
Class (or career): Biotic Assassin/Sniper
Short history: Rinat is what is commonly referred to in genetic circles as a 'sport'. What that really means is a mutant. Her genes have expressed in an atypcial fashion for her species. Biotics are not uncommon among the Drell. But a biotic who can only affect herself is all but unheard of. Rinat's limited biotic abilities can only affect her own body. This usually is used for such things as using biotic energy to increase physical stats, letting her punch as hard as a Krogan, or jump as if the gravity were a tenth normal, and other such feats of superdrellian ability. It also allows her to speed up her metabolism in a highly localized area, meaning her body heals rapidly and completely from any wound she survives, and in a much faster time than any other drell, even without medical facilities. This makes her immune to Krepler Sydnrome. Rinat formerly worked for the Hanar, but after several years as an assassin, her biotic abilities became more important, and the Hanar kept her in a lab for another 5 years before releasing her from the Compact. Now that she's out, she's looking to explore known space and see what there is other than assassinations and laboratories for her.
Personality: Mutable, her assassin training and eidetic memory allow her to 'put on' a personality that's appropriate to her situation. Previously, her handlers would give her an alias and personality. Now, she's somewhat adrift, and unsure what she is anymore. Having played so many roles, she's lost her true self. As a result, she tends to shift personalities as often as most human females shift their hair style.