Aaron Burr |

Falcon's Hollow and the Darkmoon Vale in general is one of my favorite locations on Golarian. When Falcon's Hollow appeared in Towns of the Inner Sea I was rather happy this place hadn't been forgotten about read through it several times.
Having run Hollow's Last Hope and The Crown of the Kobold King there more then a few things I found really helpful, including more of the town's backstory and a few clarifications to the residents there, especially the additional info on the Low Market and High Market. I never knew what to really do with them.
Now the reason I made this post isn't just to praise all the good stuff I mentioned but to also point out something I found out of place that makes a rather nasty Gainaxian trap out of a previous easy encounter.
Along with all the new information a few things were changed, the two that stick out most and are a bit mean are the changes to Ralla Hebbraban and Savram Vade. They have gone from Human to Changeling and Dhampir, and while I understand that these weren't even thought of back in 3.5 when these modules were made it is a little bit nasty. Ralla from a story persceptive making her poor brother Hollin's life even worse off.
Savram is the real problem though which is the result of Crown of Kobold King being made in 3.5, switching to Pathfinder and then new races being added. If you know of the module you know where Savram is found and why this is a very simple encounter now if there is a cleric in the party namely because of Channel instead of being a bit difficult in 3.5. With the change of Savram into a Dhampir there is a very good chance of the party out right murdering him by accident before they even see him, which is not helpful since they are trying to rescue the kidnapped boy.
Other then just pointing out this unintentional trap I'd like to know if you've ever found anything similar in gaming material that has been updated or changed over the years.

Grokken |

Falcon's Hollow and the Darkmoon Vale in general is one of my favorite locations on Golarian. When Falcon's Hollow appeared in Towns of the Inner Sea I was rather happy this place hadn't been forgotten about read through it several times.
Having run Hollow's Last Hope and The Crown of the Kobold King there more then a few things I found really helpful, including more of the town's backstory and a few clarifications to the residents there, especially the additional info on the Low Market and High Market. I never knew what to really do with them.
Now the reason I made this post isn't just to praise all the good stuff I mentioned but to also point out something I found out of place that makes a rather nasty Gainaxian trap out of a previous easy encounter.
Along with all the new information a few things were changed, the two that stick out most and are a bit mean are the changes to Ralla Hebbraban and Savram Vade. They have gone from Human to Changeling and Dhampir, and while I understand that these weren't even thought of back in 3.5 when these modules were made it is a little bit nasty. Ralla from a story persceptive making her poor brother Hollin's life even worse off.
Savram is the real problem though which is the result of Crown of Kobold King being made in 3.5, switching to Pathfinder and then new races being added. If you know of the module you know where Savram is found and why this is a very simple encounter now if there is a cleric in the party namely because of Channel instead of being a bit difficult in 3.5. With the change of Savram into a Dhampir there is a very good chance of the party out right murdering him by accident before they even see him, which is not helpful since they are trying to rescue the kidnapped boy.
Other then just pointing out this unintentional trap I'd like to know if you've ever found anything similar in gaming material that has been updated or changed over the years.
Using this currently, added Life Dominant Soul as Savram's first feat. Allows him to be healed by either positive or negative healing bursts but only at half strength. Still takes damage from Lay on Hands or channels to damage undead. Ralla, I haven't fully decided on what to do there, but I have some ideas. I'm thinking that she either resisted the call or her mother is no more.