Mythic Evil Lincoln |

Hey everybody, how's it going?
I've been playing the hell out of my Panzer Dragoon-inspired Summoner. Over time, I've noticed some strange things about the class, specifically the way Eidolons are incentivized toward certain play-styles.
My proposition is this: any evolutions that grant additional attacks cost +1 evolution point. Any evolutions that don't grant extra attacks are -1 evolution point, minimum 1.
What do you all think?

Bandw2 |

why not just have any evolution that adds an attack increase the price of the next attack evolution by 1, and have this stack. have 2 attack evolutions, then the next one has it's price raised by 2.
also, attacks that modify existing ones do not count for this increase.

Thomas Long 175 |
Also a good idea.
I suppose I feel like the non-attack evolutions are overpriced, especially the magic line.
The magic ones perhaps. Others?
Not so much. +8 to a skill is already only 1 skill point.
You can already get permanent hide in plain sight at 6 for 4 points with 20% concealment (50% in dim light and lower) and you can attack incorporeal creatures normally (though you only do half damage to normals)
The ability to see in any level of darkness in the game is 3 points, including a 5th level spell (deeper darkness). Access to EVERY SINGLE SENSE IN THE GAME.
Access to invisibility.
Access to every single movement type in the game.
2 points for IMMUNITY to an element. Even with Resist 15, that would be kinda powerful.
The ability to boost their attribute of choice.
Honestly, I see why most people shoot for dpr with these creatures. However, I'd put them as some of the best rogues in the game.
Edit: Looking back now, I see it extremely possible at level 1 for a first level small size bipedal eidolon to have +19 stealth, +11 disable device, and +12 perception... goblins eat your heart out. We haven't even spent our feat yet.