Jalhazar’s Curse

Skull & Shackles

One of the player's blew up Jalhazar's corpse during the fight below the sea at the Banshee's Brine, he's an alchemist so he is more dependent on his Saves than some of the other players in our campaign. It is making him quite vulnerable.

Jalhazar’s Curse
Type curse; Save Will DC 18 negates
Effect target takes a –4 penalty on all saving throws, skill
checks, and ability checks while onboard any ship; Cure returning Jalhazar’s body to the Brine Banshee’s helm or captain’s cabin and reciting Besmaran funeral prayers over the corpse automatically lifts the curse.

Does a Remove Curse spell/potion/extract work on this particular curse?

It doesn't say anything about not being affect by remove curse, so it ought to be treated like any other curse. Several curses have specific cures, or you can brute-force it with remove curse or break enchantment

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