My group is currently in Scuttlecove, but have got wind that Lavinia is held in a place called Divideds Ire in Gaping Maw, largely because I allowed a Discern Location to point out that place
This was mainly because I don't like the fact that they use an 8th level spell to find her and then it duds out due to 'reasons'. Also, them using this spell allows them to keep within the 'smash and grab' nature of the adventure. They still need to find where Divided's Ire is, and then find her, but it gives them reason not to hang about in Gaping Maw for too long.
My question is, and this is primarily because I've never seen the spell used in PF, is there any way of the group detecting the Forbidance effect over the prison without simply walking into it? Detect Magic only? (which they're unlikely to have running at the time)

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If somebody doesn't have a permanent detect magic or arcane sight by that level, shame on them! They deserve to get stuck if they don't bother to magic scan the prison designed to hold teleporting outsiders.
That being said, the usual method of finding out about forbiddance is when you fail to teleport into it.
Also, iirc, there isn't anything about that particular forbiddance that makes it block divinations. In fact, iirc, the PCs don't really have much by way of clues at the end of Serpents of Scuttlecove, and the AP assumes that they'll use high-level divinations to locate Lavinia at that point. So discern location is a legit approach to finding her.


Cheers Charlie. It actually points out in Into The Maw that Demogorgon (not the Forbinance) blocks Discern Location for creatures in Divideds Ire.
However, I don't like this, and am allowing Discern Location pick out where Divideds Ire is, but nothing more. My PC's will still have to find Lavinia in the complex.
Oddly enough, normally by now one of my PC's would have a permanent detect magic or arcane sight, but the guy in question isn't playing the mage this time, so his resources are spent elsewhere. The actual guy playing the mage hasn't picked up on it.
Unless one of them realises to think that a prison will have some form of teleportation lock on it, then I think that they'll find out about it when they try and walk through the door. The damage isn't excessive at this level anyway.
Could be fun ;)