the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one

Off-Topic Discussions

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Bleh. B@+##&$$. Dr Mengele's research was poorly conducted. It would be a more difficult ethical question if he had done it well. As it was, he used to small groups to draw conclusions, did not have sufficient control groups, did messy and incomplete bookkeeping, and so on. More or less the only area he did useful research was in cold exposure.

And just FYI, it is a common occurrence these days that a proposed research project is denied on ethical grounds because the test subjects are too few to draw any conclusions.

The many are being molded into Proles.

Tick tock, tick tock ...

My survival instinct will not let me sacrifice myself or not fight to the last, and I have not been able to override it at any point in my life.

So, I can honestly say that if my death is necessary for the survival of humanity, someone else will have to do it. And they better bring an army.

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