KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
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As the current Guardian of Gold for the Keepers of the Circle and Principal Mediator for the Ring of Gold I would like to extend an open invitation to all players interested in the paths of diplomacy, barter, trade, commerce, and mediation. We are open, of course, to any seeking to join the Keepers directly, and in that case I would also point you to our primary discussion for a broader view of the Circle. Beyond recruiting for the Ring of Gold, however, I wish for all players and groups to understand how we function so that we may develop mutually beneficial relations.
While the Keepers as a whole focus on a mutual pact of non-aggression, each of our eight Rings focuses on particular interests and pursuits. As stated in the Ring of Gold Sub-Charter:
The individual rights of all sentient beings are sacred to the Keepers of the Circle. Fundamentally, contracts show respect for those rights. Keepers of Gold are those who engage in mercantile transactions on behalf of the Keepers as well as those who represent the diplomatic arm of the Circle. Keepers of Gold are known for strictly adhering to their contracts, for providing information to the Circle, and for maintaining positive relations with other groups and nations.
The Ring of Gold is divided into three major interests, with a Chief Merchant supervising mercantile matters, a Chief Representative directing diplomatic efforts, and a Chief Financier overseeing the financial and banking needs of the Circle. These officers, plus the Principal Mediator, work to support all Ring members and further the interests of the Circle. We believe in a "light touch" to management and seek to avoid cumbersome bureaucracies and "unfun" work when possible.
The rest of the Ring is made up of Keepers (general members) and Wardens (senior members) holding one or more positions, which include:
- Ambassadors - officially recognized representatives of the Circle to other groups.
- Bankers - officially recognized representatives of the Circle that run banks and coordinate other individual investments.
- Consuls - officially recognized representatives of the Circle that live in another area and provide diplomatic/trade support.
- Mediators - officially recognized representatives of the Circle empowered to provide impartial conflict resolution and contract negotiation services.
- Envoy-Venturers - members of the Circle that routinely travel on trade and/or diplomatic missions.
- Mongers - members of the Circle that maintain shops with inventory for sale.
By organizing in this way, the Ring allows individuals to pursue specific interests with a clear line of support, and also ensures that external players and groups seeking to work with us clearly understand how we operate. There should never be a time when someone is confused or "tricked" regarding who represents the Keepers.
The Ring of Gold hopes to one day maintain consulates and shops in all friendly settlements. We will work diligently to build trust in our fairness in business, impartiality in mediation, and diligence in diplomacy. If you or your organization has not already reached out to us, please feel free to do so at our Chancery. We are open to formal trade and diplomatic negotiations, discussions about settlement support (whether living in our settlement or hosting us in yours), and simply contacts to maintain friendly relations. And of course, if the above sounds like exactly what you are looking for in a guild, we welcome any and all applicants that support the overall goals of the Keepers.
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
A weekly update (I don't intend to spam this every day, but would like to keep it somewhat visible)...
This week, something about the Ring of Gold as a whole. The Circle represents numerous core values/virtues that are held in common by all members. For the Ring of Gold, the virtue of Hospitality is critically important as a driving force behind how we exhibit the Circle tenet of non-aggression. Hospitality defines, in a single word, our approach to both mercantile and diplomatic actions. In all transactions, we seek to be hospitable to those with whom we engage. True hospitality extends to ally and enemy, well-known friend and stranger. If you do not feel welcome when dealing with the Ring of Gold, we are doing something wrong. With our fellow Keepers in the Ring of Light, we offer hospitality, with the end goal of equitable reconciliation, to those seeking refuge. A word of caution to those that might see this as an opportunity for advantage or mayhem--breaking Hospitality by engaging in violence, theft, or other such actions is an utmost offense to the Ring of Gold. Do so at your own risk, and understand that regaining respect and trust after such an action ill be very difficult.
At present, the Keepers of the Circle are actively recruiting anyone interested in playing Diplomats and Merchants for our Ring of Gold. If the virtue of Hospitality sounds like something your Character will hold important, considering joining us. We have all top level officer ranks open for candidates interested in group/settlement management. For other Chartered Companies and Individuals, if these ideals mirror your own and yet you would like to continue acting as a free agent, please consider coming alongside the Keepers of the Circle in a supporting role. We offer beneficial terms to all that are ready to support the Circle.
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
As my fellow Keepers have provided some insight on the Circle's tenet regarding non-aggression of late, I thought it fitting to tie in how this principle impacts the mercantile efforts of the Ring of Gold. At first blush, one might assume that non-aggressive merchants will be at a significant disadvantage. After all, our stance against aggression does not simply cover physical actions but extends to the use of fraud, manipulation, and other such "power" approaches to gain advantage over another. Aggressive merchants, settlements, and companies could then simply muscle us out of the market, right? I do not believe this to be the case. The Keepers of the Circle have an eye toward long-term success, not simply an immediate profit. If I trick you out of your gold now, you're not likely to return for business later. If I intimidate you into taking a poor deal, you're likely to go find somewhere else to do business. But if I help you be successful, by offering fair prices for your goods, a safe place to buy and sell goods, and a reliable source of materials you might not otherwise have...well at least for me that's the type of place I want to do business. You won't find any back-door dealings here (and if you had some plans in mind for the Circle, you're better off approaching another group). The Ring of Gold will always be up front and open about our dealings. We'll let you openly compete for market items on a fair playing field.* And we'll always honor a deal, even if a better one comes along the second after we shake hands with you, because short-term gain is not worth losing a long-term customer and friend.
No hard sells, no bait-and-switch, and no intimidation or trickery. Just the goods you are looking for at a reasonable price. That’s the way of the Ring of Gold.
*Note that I intentionally do not say level playing field. We will most certainly offer benefits to those Companies that settle with us and those groups that ally with us. These benefits won’t be so generous as to drive off any others, but we wholeheartedly believe in supporting those that support us.
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
With things happening "for real" now, I want to revitalize this thread. For all, know that I will generally wander between Thornkeep and Keeper's Pass, offering assistance to any I find along the way. I'm available for showing new players the ropes, for helping anyone find the best company/settlement for their needs (sure, I like my group and Keeper's Pass, but if you fit somewhere else best I'd rather have a happy player). I am also available as needed to assist any company/settlement as part of the Keepers Diplomatic Outreach. I'm happy to serve in any reasonable capacity. This of course covers all our allies in the Everbloom Alliance first of all, but I will not turn away from anyone in need.
On the mercantile front, our Rings of Wood and Earth are already moving forward on finding and gathering materials for our Ring of Iron to craft. If you have any needs, the Auction House at Keeper's Pass is open for business. I can also arrange for transport of goods to your location. One note in particular...the Keepers of the Circle are actively seeking characters dedicated to trade and commerce. If that's your interest, come check us out. If you, or your company, are already aligned with a settlement I'm also happy to hold private discussions on mercantile services.
Squaring the Circle,
Erian El'ranelen
Guardian of Gold
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
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My first major "Yes, this is what I want out of this game!" officially occurred today, as I was on a walk-about and encountered some fine folks looking to talk trade. Now, I just need to convince GW to somehow connect Achievements to trade deals and diplomacy...
What needs do you have that Keeper's Pass can fulfill?
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
With War upon us, the life of a diplomat and merchant gets much more interesting. I will continue my travels as best I can, seeking to aid any I find in need and also serving as a direct representative of our company interests. Will I be targeted by some as a spy or scout? Perhaps, but those are the dangers that face a diplomat. My mission is always peace, though I will certainly aid in the defense of our lands and our allies if the call to arms goes out. Anyone, friend or foe, is always welcome for discussion and even aid so long as you are not actively working against those under my protection. So, if you see me running about in my golden robes, know that you are safe from attack or aggression. And if you need help, I'll always give what I can.
Squaring the Circle,
Erian El'ranelen
Guardian of Gold
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
The non-aggression stance of the Keepers of the Circle and its interaction with our membership in the Everbloom Alliance is an interesting topic from a diplomatic perspective. I invite any that have questions or concerns about this topic to post them here.
First, it should be understood that we do not see ourselves as a neutral or unaligned settlement. We fully claim the friendship and bonds made over many months with our allies in the Everbloom Alliance. We stand in defense of their territory, offer trade and crafting where it is beneficial, and come to the aid of any in need.
This support, however, does not extend to any aggressive actions our allies might take against other individuals, companies, or settlements. We will not take towers, harass gatherers, or ambush merchants, even against those that are hostile to our allies such as The Empyrean Order or the Seventh Veil. I know this position may cause consternation to some in our alliance. But just as we respect each member settlement's rights to determine their own trade and diplomatic actions, we in turn have their support in our primary tenet of non-aggression. Our stance, and it's impact on supporting allies, was known and accepted as we entered the alliance. I say this specifically to make certain none think we tricked our way in then announced our position.
So then, we are a pacifist anti-PvP group seeking to avoid fighting other players while we safely engage in PvE and crafting? I say no, this is not our positions. We Keepers say often and openly that we will not shrink from any combat. We are not anti-PvP, we simply do not see aggression and conflict as the first or best answer to problems.
Perhaps then, we seek to gain the benefits of our alliance, while shirking any requirement for combat and also expect other non-alliance settlements to leave us alone? I say no to this as well. We fully expect some to reject our position. We will confirm this when possible, especially with Company and Settlement level groups, and then move forward with this new understanding. I see such a position as generally non-beneficial for these parties, as we otherwise would be a settlement they can reliably ignore as a potential threat, but we are not disillusioned to believe we will exist forever in a conflict-free environment.
As I said at the beginning, I welcome any discussion folks might have on our position, or indeed on any aspect of the Keepers of the Circle.
Gol Phyllain Goblin Squad Member |
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Ok look if in a sand box game you are in an alliance with someone I am fighting, even if you only provide them gear, you mine as well be fighting me a well. You can't be non aggressive when you are providing a major belligerent with gear. Even if you aren't making them items they sill have access to your crafting buildings which shave days off of gear they make for themselves.
Any time a member of EBA makes an aggressive action wearing items made in your city you are being aggressive. You are a threat because everything in this game ties in to conflict. Anyone who wants to fight TEO or TSV or any member of EBA is fighting you even if they never actually hit you.
I am not making this post as some sort of declaration of war or an other such melodramatic BS it just bothers me that someone thinks they can be non aggressive when they feed the economy of the largest group in the game and then they go don't kill us we aren't attacking you.
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
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That is certainly a valid position to hold, and considering supply chain, logistics, etc. from a military perspective, as well as the benefit of having a "safe harbor" I understand your reasoning. We don't hold any hard feelings against anyone that decides our membership in the Everbloom Alliance is detrimental to your cause, and therefore our tenet is unacceptable. We simply want it to be plainly stated and understood by all so as to avoid any unnecessary concern.
I would hold that such a hostile position is not necessarily the best relationship we can have, however, nor the most advantageous from a strategic perspective at this time. I simply ask that folks consider our stance and the benefits it provides. While it is true we could supply TEO with goods, in truth we don't because there's been no need--they are vastly more capable of providing for their own needs at present. Keeper's Pass serving as "safe harbor" might become more of an issue in later times, when groups are truly at war, but I see no true strategic value in attacking there at present. Indeed, our non-aggression stance doesn't just extend to non-allies; we would not condone our allies attacking folks unprovoked in our territory either. In the immediate time frame, I would think being able to mark off one of the larger and more organized companies (albeit one that's not exactly a PvP monster, granted) as beneficial. Looking long-term, I would see our position as a voting member of the EBA, and one that favors non-aggressive solutions to issues, as something to keep in mind as well.
Will all-out war eventually come? Perhaps. And then my work as a diplomat gets even more challenging and meaningful...
P.S. And I should note for those not aware, this stuff is my PvP, my game content. The diplomacy and intrigue draw me far more than any aspect of the game. Nothing I say is personal, or looking to "one up" a player as such. I consider Phyllain, and pretty much everyone, at least casual friends of mine until noted otherwise.
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
Why Non-Aggression?
(A note for all, this is an entirely in-character post for Erian’s motivations. For those not familiar, I am the Guardian of Gold for the Keepers of the Circle company in Keeper's Pass. I don't see a more appropriate place to put this, and it somewhat serves to let folks know about Erian better than any introduction might. I will note that the below mirrors my own personal feelings from reality, and indeed his travels mirror my own across five continents over 3 decades. However, I don’t intend to get into any real-life discussions here. I do, however, welcome such discussions for any interested. You can always find me at the Keeper of the Circle GuildLaunch site if you so desire.)
As I talk with folks in our little part of the River Kingdoms, a question is often looming in their minds. Sometimes it is given voice, and at other times I can hear it behind the conversations. Simply put, “Why non-aggression?” This is the River Kingdoms after all, a region renowned for conflict. If we’re seeking to avoid aggression, wouldn’t it make more sense to go somewhere less aggressive (I hear the weather is lovely in Hermea)? Well, I cannot answer for my compatriots on this one, although I would hazard a guess that they might have similar answers.
So then, for myself the answer is this—I do not seek to avoid aggression. Rather, I seek to enlighten others that conflict is not the only, and rarely the best, answer to problems. Some would say the very gods drive us to conflict for their own purposes, whether to further their own aims or even to force us to grow stronger. I reject their authority to do so. Understand, I am by no means delusional enough to believe that I as an individual, or even we as an entire group, can cause the end of conflict everywhere. But if my efforts lead even one person to see there is a better way than aggression, then I am successful. So then, the River Kingdoms are indeed the perfect place for me.
What then is the root of my desire to support this message? I have traveled the world over, seen many great and wondrous things. But I have also seen terrible things. I have seen the mansions of drug lords in Katapesh that thrive off the pain and addiction of their “lesser” neighbors. I have walked through slums of grand cities, where the forgotten people literally live in the trash of society. I have held orphans that are hungry and sick, hearing that after my visit their orphanage was attacked by others seeking to steal their meager food and supplies. I have seen the fear in the eyes of families taught through generations of oppression by their own government that they are little more than property, and that their neighbor, parent, or child can readily turn them over to authorities as “law breakers” for a chance to further their own goals. I have seen masses of refugees, living in ramshackle huts huddled on the borderland of homes they can no longer claim. I have seen nothing of true, lasting value come from aggression and conflict. Only pain, suffering, loss.
My father once told me, “A fight not fought is a battle won.” And indeed that is probably the root of all my current goals. Show me why you think you must fight, and I will show you a better way. Pharasma has blessed us with an opportunity to live beyond our deaths (though I am certain some would call it a curse when you must listen to me prattle on…). I will use that blessing to its fullest extent to further the purpose of the Keepers of the Circle. If you find value in our purpose, join us. It is not an easy path. Indeed, we likely have the hardest road to travel of any group now in the River Kingdoms. But it will be rewarding in ways that no territorial control, mountain of gold, or fancy trinkets can ever match.
And this is why I always say, in closing…
Squaring the Circle,
Erian El’ranelen
Guardian of Gold
KotC - Erian El'ranelen Goblin Squad Member |
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A question has been raised regarding the leadership of various organizations, so I thought it helpful to note how the Keepers function. Much of this information is publicly available at the About Us section of our website.
The Keepers of the Circle are, at the basic level, all known as Keepers. Keepers may function in any (or all) of the eight Rings that form our organization. Most members identify with one Ring as primary, but this does not prohibit acting in the functions of any other Ring.
Keepers that distinguish themselves through dedication and activity may be elevated to the level of Wardens. These senior members are dedicated to a single Ring and assist all members requiring something in the specified area.
Each Ring has a specific Guardian that works to coordinate all activities related to that Ring. Guardians are elected representatives that serve on specified cycles. Guardians serve as the authoritative voice for their Ring in the event that a rapid decision is required (for example, the Guardian of Steel has authority to enact martial requirements in a time of sudden conflict).
Finally, the Keepers have two positions that are not aligned to any one Ring--the Watcher and the Sentinel. The Watcher has oversight of implementing policies, serves as a back-up to the Sentinel when needed, and helps guide Initiates through the process to becoming Keepers. The Sentinel serve as the central representative of the Keepers and has signatory authority to bind the Keepers to any agreement.
The eight Guardians, along with the Watcher and Sentinel, sit on the Inner Circle of the Keepers to coordinate the collective actions of the organization and determine the best policies and processes for the organization. The Inner Circle also make up the settlement council of Keeper's Pass, along with members of settlement- companies. At present our other member Companies are the Drakes of Magic (with voting rights as a founding company of the settlement) and the Blades of Cambreadth (with a non-voting seat on the council, having joined us after our founding).
This is a general summary of Keeper organizational structure. As the Inner Circle are all elected members, the specific person occupying any given role may change on a quarterly basis. Any external party may always post in our Welcome and General Chat forum if you wish to talk with specific parties. External contacts can also PM me at any time, or WxCougar (our current sentinel) if you have any questions or concerns.
Squaring the Circle,
Erian El'ranelen
Guardian of Gold