City of Secrets Comic Store Invasion

GM Discussion


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Who else here is running the comic store invasion adventures? I'll be giving them a try tomorrow night.

The first adventure annoyed me a little bit for prep due to the sheer number of statblocks involved in such a short adventure, but allow my annoyance to be your gain, since I've uploaded all the statblocks to the GM Shared Prep Site here. It seems interesting though, and there's certainly a lot going on in it.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm running it at Beyond Comics in Gaithersburg, MD tonight. I hope some people show up!!

The Exchange 5/5

Thanks for the statblocks Zak!


Thanks sure helps !!!


Whoops, meant this to go up in GM discussion. Looks like it wasn't a huge list of events anyhow. You're all definitely welcome! Of course, after staying up late to get it done, the store owner emailed me asking to postpone the event for a week....but I think that's okay! More time to get the word out.


Do we have to report the event?

If yes, are there any way to send it, since I can't find the info in "Create an event"?



Not that I saw...there isn't a reporting sheet or really anything to report.

The Exchange 5/5

No, event though the Chronicle sheet has the normal place for Event Name/Code, you do not report this event.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I ended up running both scenarios/encounters tonight at Ground Zero Comics and Games in Omaha, Nebaska to a table of four during each one. The Comic Store Defense was a lot of fun, there was a lot for the players to do with this scenario and the madcap antics of the goblins went over well. The scenario never seemed out of hand for the players, even with only the four PC's. The PC's enjoyed smashing the fourth wall, and during the rogue's turn off from the will save from the CRB he got to enjoy checking out his level progression. This first party was fighter, gunslinger, barbarian, and rogue.

The Tavern Brawl, on the other hand, can be incredibly brutal on a less than full party. The monk, ranger, druid, and bard barely scraped through this encounter, and it took quite a while for them to make it past this. The opposition got in some pretty tough hits right off the bat, so I had the NPC cleric in the scenario pop off a channel to help he PC's before succumbing to the effects of the idol. I had the barkeep take a couple of extra turns of helping the PC's before she succumbed to the effects of the idol. The barmaids ended up dropping one of the NPC's before the sorcerer hit them with cause fear. When people run this, I recommend making sure there are six for this, even if it means rounding out the party with either GM PC's, or letting someone control an extra pregen. After the scenario, everyone, myself included were tired and ready for the scenario to be over. The stat blocks were a bit much to handle, I'm really glad I spent yesterday combing over the stat blocks and prepping.

EDIT: I was somewhat dismayed by the less than stellar turnout, but hopefully we'll have better turnout on Saturday before our gameday. One question came up though, can a player play through these more than once and still earn chronicles for them? I told people I didn't see why they wouldn't bee able to since they give no gold, exp, or PP, but that I wasn't sure and I would make sure and check before Saturday.


At the end of the "Getting Credit" section there is this line: Under no circumstances should a single player
receive more than one of each Chronicle sheet.
I suppose it doesn't specify if that is "ever" or "for playing once" but I'd lean towards the more restrictive option.

Good to hear the report though! I was kind of wondering how throwing multiple level 3-5 enemies at the PCs in quick succession would turn out..sounds like that can be mitigated a bit though.

Scarab Sages 5/5

I ran a table of 4 through both scenarios in just under 2 hours. Also, a very disappointing turnout. The tavern was brutal, but has a lot of wiggle room to give the players opportunities to survive. They eked it out in close to an hour and a half. The goblin encounter was more unique in general, but less inspired in terms of combat. We knocked it out in the remaining 30 minutes or so.

We were setup for a lot more players so the lack of participation was a let down. I felt like we did a pretty good promotion and our store made sure to send out a reminder to all their customers on Tuesday. If Paizo revisits this then I think they need more promotional material for in-store. At the least a poster or a bookmark with the date that we could setup by the register. Grabbing random people for a 1 hour demo is also a little tricky, it would've been nice to have some other draw for comic shoppers who don't know anything about Pathfinder. Something more in the 10-15 minute range.

I would imagine sales of the comic are up for this event, but I don't feel the sell-through in our area will be much different than usual.

edit: Also the one week delay didn't help in terms of long-term planning.

Silver Crusade 5/5

zefig wrote:

At the end of the "Getting Credit" section there is this line: Under no circumstances should a single player

receive more than one of each Chronicle sheet. I suppose it doesn't specify if that is "ever" or "for playing once" but I'd lean towards the more restrictive option.

Good to hear the report though! I was kind of wondering how throwing multiple level 3-5 enemies at the PCs in quick succession would turn out..sounds like that can be mitigated a bit though.

Yeah, my bad. I glossed over that while I prepping for this. I'll make sure my players know.

Wayfinders 5/5

zefig wrote:

Who else here is running the comic store invasion adventures? I'll be giving them a try tomorrow night.

The first adventure annoyed me a little bit for prep due to the sheer number of statblocks involved in such a short adventure, but allow my annoyance to be your gain, since I've uploaded all the statblocks to the GM Shared Prep Site here. It seems interesting though, and there's certainly a lot going on in it.

Zefig - We are more than happy to benefit from your annoyance in this instance. Getting ready to run this on Saturday. Thank you, kindly!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

This is exclusive to comic stores for about a month, right?

Apparently we don't have any participating comic stores in our area :-(
So if any of our local players want to try out this adventure, I assume they'll have to wait until it's more freely available.


John Francis wrote:

This is exclusive to comic stores for about a month, right?

Apparently we don't have any participating comic stores in our area :-(
So if any of our local players want to try out this adventure, I assume they'll have to wait until it's more freely available.

Do none of the stores stock the pathfinder comic? If they do, you may still be able to contact them and arrange an event yourself. That's what I did with mine...I don't think there was any initiative by the comic publishers for this or anything. Not sure if it will be freely available after the month. I figured it was a limited time frame event like the beginner box bash.

The Exchange 5/5

I made a deal with the owner of the store that if he ordered 10 issues of the comic book I would buy whatever didn't sell. So it looks like I'll be buying all 10. When did comic books get so expensive? (Not even my worst idea ever!)

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

I offered to GM this event here in the Denver area. Disappointed.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Doug Miles wrote:
I made a deal with the owner of the store that if he ordered 10 issues of the comic book I would buy whatever didn't sell. So it looks like I'll be buying all 10. When did comic books get so expensive? (Not even my worst idea ever!)

Ours got 20, but we're going to try and do some follow up events to help move them. I feel pretty horrible about it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

Oh! I didn't know we have up to a month to host an event. I thought it was just a couple weeks.

The Exchange 5/5

Basically, the eligibility for running the event ends when the next issue is released. This is projected for mid-June.

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