[Roll20 / G+] PFS 5-11: Library of the Lion Tier[1-5] Wed 5 / 21, 6pm MDT[GMT-6]

Online Play


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Few societies have so vaunted a tradition of leading crusades as Taldor, yet the constant revisions to its history by scheming factions leaves the truth obscured by countless acts of political modifications. Even the lauded Kitharodian Academy’s texts are riddled with these changes, so when a secretive ally approaches the Pathfinder Society with information about a hidden archive that contains the unaltered histories, the Pathfinders plan a daring infiltration to recover the secrets of Taldor’s past victories so that Mendev might benefit from the discovery.

Content in "Library of the Lion" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Grand Lodge, and Taldor factions.

To reserve a spot, send an email to [silverace99@gmail.com] with all of the following details:

Player name:

PFS Character Name:

Char PFS#:


Pre-mission Purchases, if any:

Token, if any (please provide 1:1 aspect ratio image):

Any unusual abilities/tactics you'd like to share with me, to avoid too much in-game debate:


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 3


1. Andrew Lovejoy - Ranger 3
2. Jeremy Burton - Barbarian 2
3. Micheal Shaw - Cleric 1
4. Phillip Baker - Rogue 1
5. Blue - ? 2
6. James Plutt - Summoner 2
Kieron Henry - Freebooter 2
Roman Terry - Magus 2
LC Bruner - Two-Handed Fighter 3

Community / Forums / Organized Play / Events / Online Play / [Roll20 / G+] PFS 5-11: Library of the Lion Tier[1-5] Wed 5 / 21, 6pm MDT[GMT-6] All Messageboards

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