Masher Poison in Pathfinder

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I'm running savage tide in pathfinder and while by and large converting most things from 3.5 to pathfinder is an enjoyable experience, I'm not very well-versed in converting poison from 3.5 to pathfinder. Has anyone done a conversion of the Masher from the encounter where the Sea Wyvern wrecks on a reef just off The Isle of Dread's coast? Or have a good recommendation? Best I've had recommended to me in general so far has been a d3 con dmg/round and 2 consecutive saves required.

People have done extended PF conversions, so someone who did that might pop into the thread to say what they did.

But as written in 3.5 it looks fairly similar to Deathblade poison (1d6 Con initial/2d6 Con secondary, but DC 20 instead of the DC 18 of the masher) and Wyvern poison (2d6 Con init/2d6 Con sec, DC 17).

In PF those poisons are Deathblade: DC 20, Frequency: 1/rd. for 6 rds, Dmg: 1d3 Con, 2 saves req'd. and Wyvern: DC 17, 1/rd. for 6 rds., 1d4 Con, 2 saves.

So your DC 18 d3 con dmg/rd, 1/rd. for 6 rds., 2 saves. would be about right.

The most important thing is for one of your players to still be recovering from the poison when the T-Rex shows up on the beach when they land.

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