Cosmos, not Cosmo

Homebrew and House Rules

Dark Archive

Ok more world building stuff from me. And now: Planes! So what kinds of planes do all you people like to use, beside the normal elemental planes and the typical outer planes.
I've been looking at Eberron a bit and I really like Shavarath
I also really like Warrior's Rest from A Player's Guide to Faerun

So how about you, and how would you fit them in to a normal cosmology

I like using the fey relm in my world, similar to the way it is depicted in the kingkiller chronicles and the dresden files with an eternal conflict between the winter and the summer fey. I have nonsensical geography, nonlinier time progression, and altered magic rules.It's safe enough that PC's can start going there around level 4 and survive as long as they are careful a good intro world for interplanar adventures. Also in my world two races are descendants of fey who became mortal, elves from summer fey and orcs (run as an unaligned playable race similar to half-orcs) from winter fey.

I also have a dragon home plane built on a titanic scale, think classic depictions of earth in the cretaceous period though I have never had PCs go there.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I've always been fond of the Plane of Radiance, detailed in Dragon Magazine (don't recall which issue). It's a transitional plane (connects other planes) that sort of functions as the compliment to the Plane of Shadow - where the Shadow is the result of the Prime Material interacting with the Positive Energy Plane to cast a "shadow" of itself, the Plane of Radiance is more like the reflected & refracted "light" bouncing back off the Prime. It's a place of rainbow bridges (this is where Bifrost passes, connecting the Prime with Ysgard), floating islands of crystal, swirling mists of prismatic colors, and so forth. Also, potentially eye-damaging, blinding radiance.
It's just as dangerous as the Plane of Shadow, and acts as an alternative for characters who don't much like skulking in the dark.

Honestly, lately I've been more interested in other cosmologies than the typical material/astral/ethereal/elemental/outer/other set. Why not try something different, like alternate timelines or Matrixception-style layered realities?

Hmm. Now I'll spend the next hour trying to figure out how to run an encounter with a probability elemental.

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