PaizoCon 2014: Unofficial / Unscheduled Games

PaizoCon General Discussion

I'm looking at the possibility of running some "unofficial" tentatively scheduled games in whatever OPEN GAMING space is available.

Is there any interest in?

1. WaRP Superheroes Game (Using the WaRP System -- much like tbug last year). Basic premise is that all the American supers left on Thursday...ASA (American Supers Agency) has recruited foreign supers to fill the gap until they return. Bring your green card and an idea for a villain to the table.

2. Unknown East. Pathfinder RPG sandbox game of exploration in a non-Golarion setting.


1. This is going to be using FATE system rather than WaRP.
2. This probably won't come to pass.


I've been cast adrift for my Friday evening game I was hoping to get into. This means that I'm available to run a S&W session for those in the same boat.

If you want to try out some good old fashioned, old school dungeoneering send me a PM or post here on this thread provided by the thoughtful thelesuit.

Shadow Lodge

I'm interested in finding a game to play in. I'm unfamiliar with, WaRP, but am familiar with Mutants & Masterminds and the Fate system (per Dresdon.) I'm more of a Pathfinder/D&D kinda gal than S&W. Otherwise I'm open to what games have room and that I'm available for.

Id love to play in a Firefly RPG game, or perhaps shadowrun.

Shadow Lodge

My husband and I both have copies of the 5th ed Shadowrun. We haven't had a chance to play yet but would be interested. (Have played other eds)

thelesuit wrote:

2. This probably won't come to pass.

I'm thinking I will run this, but it will be Pathfinder E6 rather than full-on PFS.


We will be running this periodically during the con:

A Star called Wormwood

The Ghost Dance caused the dead to rise up and devour the white men and their cities. Correctionist agents from the far future armed with nanotech seek to steer the course of humanity. The Servants of Preservationist Society issue justice from the barrel of a gun oppose both mad science and undead. It is the post-Civil War zombie apocalypse with time travelers. Using the FATE Core rules system.


I don't know if it will be possible for time reasons, but I would love to play the Ferret I made from the Advanced Race Guide in a live Pathfinder game. That may have to wait for a play-by-post game. :-(

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