Question about Player and GM chronicle

GM Discussion


Guide to Organized Play wrote:
You cannot receive more that 1 player Chronicle and 1 GM Chronicle for the same scenario, regardless of how many times you GM or play the scenario.

I played chapter one of Rise of the Runelords a while ago but the group didn't pan out. When I finally finished GMing chapter 1 with me new group, the events page didn't give me credit.

Session Page wrote:

Player has already played scenario at session # 1 of event # 39665 RotR: Burnt Offerings on February 16, 2014.

GM ranking: +2

Is this correct? Or should I receive credit for playing once, and GMing once?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Did you try giving the credit to the same character? You should get credit from GMing once and playing once, but not on the same character.

Alternatively, are you marked down as a player instead of as a GM for the session?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online

If you played the game under a different GM - that GM reported the session to Paizo through the event he/she created using the PFS number and PC number you gave them. Your PC credit would have been reported by that GM.

If you GMed the game, you reported the game for your group under your event on, and should have given yourself GM credit for a DIFFERENT PC number than the one you played it with.

So if you are seeing an error when you report your game, it is likely because you are reporting the game using the same PC number for both GM and Player credit.

Basically you should report player credit as something like:


And your GM credit to something like:


Hope that clears it up for you.

If not then click the "report error" link next to the session and get Paizo to clarify for you.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online

Ninja posted by James :)


That was it, thanks guys!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No problem!

*vanishes in a poof of smoke*


Last question, should GMs be awarded 4 prestige or 2 for each chapter of RotR?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

4 prestige. All of the 3XP chronicle sheets award 4 prestige unless the chronicle sheet says otherwise. The online system unfortunately says otherwise sometimes, but it's wrong.


James McTeague wrote:
4 prestige. All of the 3XP chronicle sheets award 4 prestige unless the chronicle sheet says otherwise. The online system unfortunately says otherwise sometimes, but it's wrong.

Thank you. That was what I suspected, but I wanted to make sure.

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