PAX East 2014

Local Play

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Good Afternoon Pathfinders,

Now that I am officially done with work and I have a second to breath before I cook dinner. I will give a bit more detail regarding PAX East Events.

We are going to be following PAX Primes example and are going to be running PAX Port these short adventures are about an hour long each taking place in a different part of The Inner Sea, the countries we will be exploring are Osirion, Cheliax, Mwangi Expanse, Varisia and Ustalav. We will have 5 tables one for each country, I am hoping to have one table set up as card game demos as well. With a table that will be hosting either more of the PAX Ports or a full scenario (if we have people who can spend 4 hours with us.)

When you register for the event at Headquarters you will get your PAX Port once you play all 5 adventures you will get a boon.

We are running these events Friday and Saturday from 11am to 11pm then on Sunday from 11am to 7pm.

If you are at PAX East and want to have fun and lay some quick Pathfinder stop on by.


Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

So quick update, I have all the tables set up and and looks right now we are going to be have 5 Tables of Pathfinder RPG and 2 Tables of Card Game Demos. Stop on By.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Hello All I just want to say thank you to all the Players that came to PAX East and played some Pathfinder. My Team and me had a great time, we are already prepping for next year.

Thanks Everyone for making PAX East 2014 a fun experience.


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