Hobbun |

Please, anyone who has not played/ran Destiny of the Sands Parts 2 or 3, do not read forward, as there will be spoilers.
Tomorrow I am going to be playing part 3 and I have a question on one of the abilities from
Legendary Magic: As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. The spell must be on one of your class spell lists and must be of a level that you can cast with that spellcasting class. You don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. When casting a spell in this way, you treat your caster level as 2 levels higher for the purpose of any effect dependent on level. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but it's total adjusted level can't be greater than that of the highest-level arcane spell you can cast from that spellcasting class.
I am playing an Alchemist, and as I know Alchemists can benefit from other certain mythic 'spell' path abilities or feats, but can they also benefit from Legendary Magic?
I can see why some would argue you can't, as you haven't prepared the physical extract and you would just be pulling it out of thin air, but then you are basically doing the same in regards to casting a spell when using this ability.
I put this in this forum, as I wanted to see what GMs (who have ran/read these scenarios) would say on the matter.
Either way, I do plan to approach my GM at the table tomorrow before we start.
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hobbun |

BNW, just curious, but do you consider Mythic Spell Lore not accessible for Alchemists per RAW as it only refers to spells?
I know you indicated by RAI

Hobbun |

In the end our GM ruled no as it refers only to spells and made reference it using an example of Metamagic feats, as well.
I did point out that Mythic Spell Lore and Mythic Spellcasting also refer only to spells, and those are the only ways an Alchemist would be able to pick up their ability to use their Mythic formulae.
His answer was only he feels this is different, so I didn’t push it any further and went with Fleet Charge instead, which I didn’t end up using. :)

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I'm getting ready to run this and this is my first encounter with cursed items in PFS. If a player puts on a cursed item, I know that in a normal home game, the cursed item just stays on the character until remove curse is used.
With PFS, is this considered a condition that the PC must clear before the end of the scenario or is this something that might be carried over into future scenarios? I know the 150 gp isn't too much, but I want to make sure I get a clear understanding how this would work in case it comes up during my game tomorrow.

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Curses are not listed as one of the conditions that can be carried over from one scenario to the next and must be cleared or the character is marked dead.
All conditions gained during an adventure, except for permanent negative levels, ability drain that does not reduce an ability score to 0, and conditions that provide no mechanical effect, must be resolved before the end of the session; if these are not resolved the character should be reported as ‘dead.’
Since each curse does have a mechanical effect, they do not fall under the exception.

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The ring is the only one that I've seen as arguable. (Not being able to lie might not matter to a lot of people and be reasonable flavor.) Even so it is best to remove it and avoid any table variation.
Thinking about it, not being able to lie probably means you can't use the Bluff skill when talking to people, making it a mechanical issue. So it is best to remove it just to be safe.

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I ran this last weekend, and had the players fall prey to three(!) of the cursed items.
The ring, belt, and stone. The players had no way of identifying magical items, thus when they found the stone, one player picked it up to ID later. Curse activated. The second one they found was the belt, and though they were suspicious one player still put it on. On finding the ring, they weren't trusting anymore items but the player with the stone out it on saying, "what's the worst that can happen?" She actually kind of enjoyed being forced to tell the truth. ;-)
I had a player fall prey to the haunt's curse as well, when the barbarian in the lead, being the only one to make the perception check, hightailed it to the rear of the party and left the poor fighter to take the curse in the face. She had been rolling poor saves all day, even falling prey to the plague zombies earlier.
When Amenopheus showed up, I allowed him to ID and use the remove curse scroll they found, and the fighter fought off the disease back in Eto with some help from the Warpriest in the party using the Heal skill.
In the end though, the party seemed to have a good time overall, and much merriment was had with all the cursing going on. ;-)

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I ran this last weekend, and had the players fall prey to three(!) of the cursed items.
** spoiler omitted **
In the end though, the party seemed to have a good time overall, and much merriment was had with all the cursing going on. ;-)
I played in this game, I did indeed have a great time. Even if the northlanders wanted to put on every cursed item they came across. Some fools never learn.

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Curses are not listed as one of the conditions that can be carried over from one scenario to the next and must be cleared or the character is marked dead.
Guide to Organized Play wrote:All conditions gained during an adventure, except for permanent negative levels, ability drain that does not reduce an ability score to 0, and conditions that provide no mechanical effect, must be resolved before the end of the session; if these are not resolved the character should be reported as ‘dead.’Since each curse does have a mechanical effect, they do not fall under the exception.
I'm running this tomorrow, and based on my understanding of the Season 5 and Season 6 Guides to OP, this post seems incorrect. Can I get confirmation on this, to make sure I resolve things correctly?
The cursed items in question appear to fall under the "Dealing With Afflictions" category of the Guide (p 36 in Season 5, 37 in Season 6), rather than the "Conditions, Death, and Expendables" section (p 22 in both), which would mean they're allowed to carry over as long as they don't result in an unplayable character. None of the cursed items appear likely to cause that effect.

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Cursed Items says some items may simply be discarded. Has anyone had made any of these items 'simply discarded?'
The closest I can see the scenario offering is the line about Amenopheous' prepared spells. Though knowing VL as we do, the curse is not an easy one to remove.