Dudemeister's WotRK: Irovetti's Clockwork Kingdom


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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I wanna apologize for not updating with more information here. It's been a terrible year, for a lot of reasons and my campaign is on a break while I try and get a bunch of personal issues sorted out.
Sir, you do a wonderful job and you do it free. No one here will ever say otherwise. Here's hoping you have a better 2015 and I'll pour a pint out on New Years in remembrance of a gaming group sadly on break.

The group is still playing fortunately, one of the players GMs our Legacy of Fire game. It's nice to be able to just show up to a game with a character sheet and fight evil genies :)

Have you posted your version or Irovetti's stat block anywhere? If not would it be possible for you to post it or PM it to me?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Castruccio Irovetti, King In Iron CR 16
Human Magus 16
LE Large humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility; Perception +8
AC 30, touch 16, flat-footed 26 (+11 Armour, +3 Deflection, +0 Dex, +2 Natural, +4 Shield, +1 dodge -1 size)
hp 129 (16 HD; 16d8+28+30) (Iron Golem HP 129)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +14;
Defensive Abilities DR 15/adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic

Speed 90 ft.
Melee rod of razors (+3 flaming burst shocking burst keen adamantine Urumi) +21/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+6/17–20/x2 +1d6 fire, +1d6 electricity or 1d10 & 1d10 of each on critical hit plus spell )

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with rod of razors)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon free action (inhaled, save Fort 19; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution Damage, cure 2 saves) (Only useable every 1d4+1 rounds).
Spells Known (CL 11th; concentration +19/+25 cast defensively) (DC 15 + Spell Level or 16 + Spell level for Evocation)
6th (2/day)- Sirocco, Transformation
5th (3/day)- Teleport, Corrosive Consumption, Acidic Spray*
4th (5/day)— Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Solid Fog, Black Tentacles, Wall of Fire*
3rd (6/day)— Haste^, Dispel Magic, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch, Fireball*, Slow
2nd (6/day)— Bear's Endurance^, Bull's Strength^, Mirror Image^, Elemental Touch*, Frigid Touch*, Shatter*
1st (6/day)— Shocking Grasp*, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Stone Fist, Enlarge Person^, Corrosive Touch*
0 (at will)— Acid Splash*, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
* = Evocation. ^ = Precast
Str 19, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 19
Base Atk +11; CMB +15 (+17 to disarm); CMD 25 (27 vs. Disarm)
Feats Toughness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Urumi), Weapon Focus (Urumi), Weapon Specialization (Urumi), Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Craft (Construct), Scribe (Scroll), Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Spell Focus (Evocation).
Skills Bluff +19, Craft (Armor) +21, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (Arcana) +25, Knowledge (Engineering) +22, Perception +9, Spellcraft +25, Use Magic Device +23

Languages Common, Hallit, Skald; tongues
SQ Arcane Pool 12, (1 point used for weapon enhancement), Spell Combat, Spellstrike, Magus Arcana (Concentrate, Close Range, Maneuver Mastery, Dispelling Strike, Reflection), Spell Recall, Knowledge Pool, Improved Spell Combat, Fighter Training, Improved Spell Recall, Heavy Armour, Greater Spell Combat, Counterstrike.

Combat Gear potions of lesser restoration (4), scroll of heal, scroll of restoration, scroll of teleport, wand of hold monster (CL 10th, 13 charges); Other Gear +5 iron golem construct armor, rod of razors, amulet of natural armor +2, boots of speed, cloak of resistance +4, ring of protection +3, master key (unlocks all locks in the palace), mindrender baton, Iron Crown of Rulership (+2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha)
Special Abilities

Iron Golem Armor - King Irovetti wears an Iron Golem as his armour, all attacks target the iron golem rather than the King. If the Golem is enchanted with a +5 bonus to its AC.

Contingency Irovetti used a scroll to cast contingency: if he ever takes more than 10 points of damage from a single attack, a dimension door whisks him away (in this case, to his den in area 1).

Improved Resources Not only does King in Iron have the resources of a PC as regards his gear, but his ability scores use a PC array.

Permanent Spells King Irovetti has used scrolls of permanency to gain the following permanent spell effects: darkvision, see invisibility, and tongues

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gauntlet of the Firemaster
Aura: Medium Evocation, Medium Conjuration; Price: 50,000; Type: Light Melee; Proficiency Simple; DMG (M) 1d6 bludgeoning.; DMG (S)1d4 bludgeoning.; Critical:x2; Capacity: 10; Usage: 1 charge/round; Weight: 1 lb.

The Gauntlet of the Firemaster is a bronze gauntlet which looks like an oversized hand, with brass pipes where the bones and tendons would normally run, filled with alchemist's fire. On the back of the Gauntlet of the Firemaster is a large key.

It functions at all times as a +2 flaming burst gauntlet

As a standard action the Gauntlet of the Firemaster may be activated, which causes the key to start turning. When it does so the gauntlet generates a light, one handed weapon of the wielder's choice. That weapon is made of fire and deals only energy damage, and benefits from the Gauntlet's +2 flaming burst quality, but in all other ways is identical to the item. The gauntlet is treated as a locked gauntlet while it is active.

In order to regain charges a Gauntlet of the Firemaster must be wound for one full minute, and refilled with a bottle of alchemist's fire.

Craft DC 35; Cost:25,000 gp
Craft Clockwork Arms and Armour, fireball, flame blade or flame strike Clockwork Workshop

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gauntlet of the Frostmaster
Aura: Medium Evocation, Medium Conjuration; Price: 50,000; Type: Light Melee; Proficiency Simple; DMG (M) 1d6 bludgeoning.; DMG (S)1d4 bludgeoning.; Critical:x2; Capacity: 10; Usage: 1 charge/round; Weight: -.

The Gauntlet of the Frostmaster is a mythril gauntlet which looks like an oversized hand, with brass pipes where the bones and tendons would normally run, filled with alchemist's frost. On the back of the Gauntlet of the Frostmaster is a large key.

It functions at all times as a +2 icy burst gauntlet

As a standard action the Gauntlet of the Frostmaster may be activated, which causes the key to start turning. When it does so the gauntlet generates a non-light one handed weapon of the wielder's choice. That weapon is made of ice and deals only cold damage, and benefits from the Gauntlet's +2 icy burst quality, but in all other ways is identical to the item. The gauntlet is treated as a locked gauntlet while it is active.

In order to regain charges a Gauntlet of the Frostmaster must be wound for one full minute, and refilled with a bottle of alchemist's frost.

Craft DC 35; Cost:25,000 gp
Craft Clockwork Arms and Armour, chill metal or ice storm; Clockwork Workshop

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gauntlet of the Sparkmaster
Aura: Medium Evocation, Medium Conjuration; Price: 50,000; Type: Light Melee; Proficiency Simple; DMG (M) 1d6 bludgeoning.; DMG (S)1d4 bludgeoning.; Critical:x2; Capacity: 10; Usage: 1 charge/round; Weight: -.

The Gauntlet of the Sparkmaster is an iron gauntlet which looks like an oversized hand, with rubber pipes where the bones and tendons would normally run, filled with alchemist's spark. On the back of the Gauntlet of the Sparkmaster is a large key.

It functions at all times as a +2 shocking burst gauntlet

As a standard action the Gauntlet of the Shockmaster may be activated, which causes the key to start turning. When it does so the gauntlet generates a one handed reach weapon of the wielder's choice. That weapon is made of electricity and deals only electricity damage, and benefits from the Gauntlet's +2 shocking burst quality, but in all other ways is identical to the item. The gauntlet is treated as a locked gauntlet while it is active.

In order to regain charges a Gauntlet of the Shockmaster must be wound for one full minute, and refilled with a bottle of alchemist's spark.

Craft DC 35; Cost:25,000 gp
Craft Clockwork Arms and Armour, call lightning or lightning bolt; Clockwork Workshop

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gauntlets of the Lightmaster
Aura: Medium Evocation, Medium Conjuration; Price: 50,000; Type: Light Melee; Proficiency Simple; DMG (M) 1d6 bludgeoning.; DMG (S)1d4 bludgeoning.; Critical:x2; Capacity: 10; Usage: 1 charge/round; Weight: -.

The Gauntlets of the Lightmaster is a gold gauntlet which looks like an oversized hand, with silver pipes where the bones and tendons would normally run, filled with holy water. On the back of the Gauntlet of the Lightmaster is a large key.

It functions at all times as a +2 holy gauntlet

As a standard action the Gauntlet of the Lightmaster may be activated, which causes the key to start turning. When it does so the gauntlet generates a shield of the wielder's choice. That shield is made of positive energy and deals only positive energy damage, and benefits from the Gauntlet's +2 holy quality, but in all other ways is identical to the item, the shield emits bright light in a 10 ft radius, normal light in a 20 ft radius and dim light in a 40ft radius. The gauntlet is treated as a locked gauntlet while it is active.

In order to regain charges a Gauntlet of the Lightmaster must be wound for one full minute, and refilled with a bottle of holy water.

Craft DC 35; Cost:25,000 gp
Craft Clockwork Arms and Armour, holy smite and light creator must be Good; Clockwork Workshop

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gauntlets of the Darkmaster
Aura: Medium Evocation, Medium Conjuration; Price: 50,000; Type: Light Melee; Proficiency Simple; DMG (M) 1d6 bludgeoning.; DMG (S)1d4 bludgeoning.; Critical:x2; Capacity: 10; Usage: 1 charge/round; Weight: -.

The Gauntlets of the Darkmaster is an obsidian gauntlet which looks like an oversized hand, with lead pipes where the bones and tendons would normally run, filled with unholy water. On the back of the Gauntlet of the Darkmaster is a large key.

It functions at all times as a +2 unholy gauntlet

As a standard action the Gauntlet of the Darkmaster may be activated, which causes the key to start turning. When it does so the gauntlet generates a one handed thrown of the wielder's choice each round. That weapon is made of negative energy and deals only negative energy damage, and benefits from the Gauntlet's +2 unholy quality, but in all other ways is identical to the item, the shield emits supernatural darkness in a 10 ft radius, darkness in a 20 ft radius and dim light in a 40 ft radius. The gauntlet is treated as a locked gauntlet while it is active.

In order to regain charges a Gauntlet of the Darkmaster must be wound for one full minute, and refilled with a bottle of unholy water.

Craft DC 35; Cost:25,000 gp
Craft Clockwork Arms and Armour, unholy blight and deeper darkness creator must be Evil; Clockwork Workshop

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gauntlet of the Crashmaster
Aura: Medium Evocation, Medium Conjuration; Price: 50,000; Type: Light Melee; Proficiency Simple; DMG (M) 1d6 bludgeoning.; DMG (S)1d4 bludgeoning.; Critical:x2; Capacity: 10; Usage: 1 charge/round; Weight: -.

The Gauntlet of the Crashmaster is a brass gauntlet which looks like an oversized hand, with rubber pipes where the bones and tendons would normally run, filled with thunderstone paste. On the back of the Gauntlet of the Crashmaster is a large key.

It functions at all times as a +2 sonic burst gauntlet

As a standard action the Gauntlet of the Crashmaster may be activated, which causes the key to start turning. When it does so the gauntlet generates a one handed bludgeoning weapon of the wielder's choice. That weapon is made of sonic energy and deals only sonic damage, and benefits from the Gauntlet's +2 sonic burst quality, but in all other ways is identical to the item. The gauntlet is treated as a locked gauntlet while it is active. Furthermore on a successful critical hit everyone within 10 ft must make a DC 15 Fortitude Save or be deafened for 1 hour.

In order to regain charges a Gauntlet of the Shockmaster must be wound for one full minute, and refilled with a crushed thunderstone.

Craft DC 35; Cost:25,000 gp
Craft Clockwork Arms and Armour, shout or silence; Clockwork Workshop

Looking for an opinion: would the spell Disable Construct make everything in this mod weak and worthless? I have a player looking for this spell, and I envision them using it to one-round kill everything. Flying clockwork dragon? 20d6 crashing damage as it falls helplessly out of the air. An army of wizards crush the clockwork armies. Irovetti is trapped in his armor as the players put a rapier through his eye slits.

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It's a 3rd level spell with a range of touch. Which means that:

A. You're not going to have an army of wizards casting the spell.

B. Even if you did, they would get cut down by attacks of opportunity and/or readied attacks before delivering it.

C. Clockwork dragons are huge targets, so that's where you want to put your anti-magic defenses, making this spell even less useful.

It's great for certain situations, especially if it's just one or two constructs, but against an entire army of clockwork soldiers, it's just simply not effective enough.

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I like DM_aka_Dudemeister's changes to Irovetti and Pitax as a whole. I decided to go with a different vision though of Irovetti for my campaign because (a) the campaign is mythic and (b) my players' pcs enjoy some additional campaign story bonuses.

I have not fleshed him out completely yet, but, essentially, Irovetti is a nerfed version (that I came up with) of a gestalt (from WotC's 3rd Edition Unearthed Arcana) Iron Titan 17 (by Rite Publishing)/Bard (Arcane Duelist) 17, who will be riding inside another Iron Titan that will be Huge sized at least (think of the Transformers Headmasters, and you will have a good image of what I am intending to try here with Irovetti). This particularly version will let him mimic more closely the abilities of Doctor Doom, I think.

I hope to have him completed within a few days.


CB out.

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Appreciate the info shared here, thanks again(dotting)

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Second the thanking; this is a bunch of awesome ideas, and I'm already considering IP theft...

Any chance for an update? I'm especially interested in those fabulous airships mentioned.

Shadow Lodge

I would also like to hear about these airships
Also any mass combat stats for these armies
I have two bits I'm adding personally
1) expanding on the clockwork dr doom with the inclusion of a Doombot that thinks it's the original
2) https://www.realmshelps.net/magic/items/siegeengines.shtml
Specifically the elemental rockshot and/or hellwasp shot

Think there's any chance this might sneak into the updated AP?

Shadow Lodge

No idea, but we can be hopeful

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I haven't been contacted so it's not likely, but if I'm in the mood I might throw together some 2e updates for my expansions down the line ;).

I'll have to go digging to see if I can find the airship stuff. I mostly designed them for the mass combat rules, like a fortification that could speed up the movement of armies of certain sizes.

Shadow Lodge

still useful info there.
thanks for the response!

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

I haven't been contacted so it's not likely, but if I'm in the mood I might throw together some 2e updates for my expansions down the line ;).

I'll have to go digging to see if I can find the airship stuff. I mostly designed them for the mass combat rules, like a fortification that could speed up the movement of armies of certain sizes.

That would be awesome, thank you!

Dudemeister, the Guantlets of the Darkmaster have an odd text line.

"the shield emits supernatural darkness in a 10 ft radius, darkness in a 20 ft radius and dim light in a 40 ft radius."

This sounds like an inversion of the Lightmaster Gauntlets shield posted right above, but while the Lightmaster says it makes a shield, the Darkmaster says "the gauntlet generates a one handed thrown of the wielder's choice each round."

Is there missing details on it being able to make a shield also?

Thanks for all your work shared btw. My group is on the verge of Book 5 now, in their intermission year between book 4 and 5 so i am getting my ducks lined up.


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The missing word is weapon. "Thrown Weapon"

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