Tigger_mk4 |
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Hi Chaps/Chapesses
Question mostly aimed at the Paizo staff:
Having successfully sold a number of articles and scenarios to professional gaming publishers recently (including some articles published by Pelgrane Press and a 10,000 word scenario that will be published by Cubicle 7 as part of their *World War Cthulhu* range), I thought I'd try submitting something for Paizo ;
From reading the FAQs it appears the Open Call for Pathfinder Quests is still ongoing,and I have written a suitable 2,000 word scenario and was considering starting work on a second....
... but I get the impression from the forum Paizo is a little unsure what they'll be doing with the format at present, and that it might be better to temporarily hold off writing any further submissions.
(Possibly I've got a false impression.)
I've no intention to hold anyone to any estimates or place any pressure on snowed-under staff !
I'm just trying to get a rough feel for where we/Paizo are right now (Feb/March 2014).
so, in summary:
Are submissions still welcome , or would it preferable to receive the same submissions later when the circumstances are clearer ?
p.s. Note for the FAQ maintainers
The "http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/products/quests" link in the OpenCall.pdf appears to be outdated
I suspect it should read
"http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/pfsproducts/quests" ?

Tigger_mk4 |

Tigger, Paizo staff don't read every forum post every day.
Ferious: possibly, I had forgotten about those.
I dont expect every day. However, i think a week is more than enough for at least a moderator to make a note of things and at least say something like - " i'm not sure, I'll get back to you"....especially when the question is asked in a thread title....
....so yes, I AM a bit frustrated in the lack of feedback, especially given the faq on open quests appears to be out of date....but I wouldnt claim to be absolutely fuming about it, far from it, but the online information as it stands appears outdated.As it is, I have now asked the question elsewhere and got a polite reply from James Jacobs.(very promptly, I'm pleased to say)
To paraphrase his response..., he's not directly involved but suggests (unofficially) most Paizo staff are likely too busy with Gencon to think about anything else right now.
In the meantime, I've got two 10,000 word commissions from other companies who DID reply to queries, whose products I'm a big fan of, so (shrug) i'm happy to earn my tuppence ha'penny a word from them instead. On top of which, I've a Convention to help organise.
Thats nothing against Paizo, per se... If right now they're not that interested in submissions due to other priorities (which is understandable) , its a bit pointless me working hard for a whole day to put together a scenario that they dont have time to examine,when I could instead be doing something else ....Which was what my original question was about.

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I am gradually working through quest submissions. With the discontinuation of Kobold Quarterly, we're still reassessing how to manage quest publication. Updates to the Open Call FAQ are likely to follow those decisions. Although the full development and publication of quests has slowed—we're holding onto some promising candidates that might see publication later—they're still a valuable means of assessing whether an author might be one to consider for a scenario. I have several authors picked up through the Open Call who have worked on scenarios and similar projects.
As you may have seen, the upcoming Pathfinder Comics series will once again include encounters that allow us to continue experimenting with the short adventure format. Based on the production timetables and tying the encounters' themes to the comics' content, it's not necessarily feasible to use this as an Open Call outlet, but it's encouraging for prospects of in-house production of quests.
In brief, my production priority is scenarios, but quests still serve a purpose.
John Compton's 1-year anniversary blog listed amongst his accomplishments "5 quests", but to my knowledge there are only two in print, and both were released before John was hired. Not sure what that means, but I suspect it means some quests are going to drop somewhere soon.
That is a reference to the 3rd-level Beginner Box quests used at Gen Con 2013.

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GM Lamplighter wrote:John Compton's 1-year anniversary blog listed amongst his accomplishments "5 quests", but to my knowledge there are only two in print, and both were released before John was hired. Not sure what that means, but I suspect it means some quests are going to drop somewhere soon.That is a reference to the 3rd-level Beginner Box quests used at Gen Con 2013.
Any thoughts when those might become generally available to the public?

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I am gradually working through quest submissions. With the discontinuation of Kobold Quarterly, we're still reassessing how to manage quest publication. Updates to the Open Call FAQ are likely to follow those decisions. Although the full development and publication of quests has slowed—we're holding onto some promising candidates that might see publication later—they're still a valuable means of assessing whether an author might be one to consider for a scenario. I have several authors picked up through the Open Call who have worked on scenarios and similar projects.
As you may have seen, the upcoming Pathfinder Comics series will once again include encounters that allow us to continue experimenting with the short adventure format. Based on the production timetables and tying the encounters' themes to the comics' content, it's not necessarily feasible to use this as an Open Call outlet, but it's encouraging for prospects of in-house production of quests.
In brief, my production priority is scenarios, but quests still serve a purpose.
GM Lamplighter wrote:John Compton's 1-year anniversary blog listed amongst his accomplishments "5 quests", but to my knowledge there are only two in print, and both were released before John was hired. Not sure what that means, but I suspect it means some quests are going to drop somewhere soon.That is a reference to the 3rd-level Beginner Box quests used at Gen Con 2013.
This really encourages me to submit. After Kobold Quarterly disappeared there wasn't much said about the submissions that made the open call attractive. In fact all I kept reading was that they were piling up and people would get to them when they had time to do so.
Seeing that you are not only going through them, but that you have or are considering giving work to writers because of them is much more encouraging. Thank for breathing new life into my interest in this.

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As an update for those watching the Open Call, I recently picked up two Open Call authors from the submission folder to write upcoming adventures.
That's exciting, John! Are you making a list of several more good submissions to contact the authors for other projects, as well? Or were those two the only ones that were "worthy"?