Counterblast Kickstarter


Just a heads up that Patrick Keith - sculptor of the Bombshell Babes and numerous Pathfinder minis for Reaper - has his new Kickstarter up for pulp SF skirmish game Counterblast. The minis are looking great so far, and the rules look interesting though I haven't had a chance to try running anything yet.

The page is here and it's about halfway funded so far.

Yep, I'm already in. Trying to talk myself out of needing all five factions.

We’ve relaunched the project!

So if you had looked at it before, you may want to check it again. There is the printed Rulebook, more models in every Core Faction Set, more Freebies, more stretch goals at lower levels and lots of new minis previewed!


The ALL NEW COUNTERBLAST Gameplay Demo is now available for screening!

Looking great so far.

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