Are the retuning rules from Gods and Magic PFS legal?

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 3/5

Are the rules for retuning deity specific magic items presented on page 54 of Gods and Magic PFS legal?

I am inclined to think they are not for the following reason. They require the person retuning to meet the construction requirements, which always include an item creation feat. Since item creation feats are not allowed in PFS, this would make retuning by a PC impossible. However, they don't indicate if a hired NPC could do the retuning or if the items can be purchased already retuned at higher cost.

Please let me know what, if anything, about these rules is legal.



Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If you take a look at the Additional Resources page you'll notice that only the listed equipment, gods, and spells are legal. There is no mention of "retuning", so it is not.

The Exchange 3/5

Cool. Thanks for the heads up.

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