Potential character for S&S - feedback welcome

Skull & Shackles

I have been trying to get into a PbP S&S game without much luck.

I was wondering if anybody would give this character and their backstory a look and provide some constructive feedback, either mechanical or RP-wise. Suggestions on aspects of the character to flesh out would be welcome. It's currently set at 22 pts (the last application point buy), but tweaking is not an issue.

I also haven't figured out a good inner voice to play him with. Are there any good literary or movie characters to base an African-esque sailor on (a character in "Cloud Atlas" springs to mind).

No spoilers, please (beyond those in the players guide).



Look into using harpoons. Magical harpoons will be available in this AP and with the Freebooter's Bane ability, being able to grapple with a ranged weapon and get your allies to pounce on the enemy could be a pretty novel way of fighting. They're also effective in hand to hand combat above and underwater, though unless they're specially enchanted you can't throw them there. Also, what AP will you ever get to use harpoons in again?

As far as speaking, I have tried to give my Mwangi NPCs in the game I'm running a "South African" way of speaking. See movies like "Blood Diamond" or "District 9". I found it was easy for me to do, sounds interestingly foreign and isn't as obvious as the "Jamaican" impression most who try this have probably done.

I like this guy's videos for trying to learn accents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY09gs-LY80

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