[Christina Stiles Presents] Medusa's Guide for Gamer Girls

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Scarab Sages

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Kthulhu wrote:

It's the old holding the door problem:

Some women get offended if you hold the door open for them.
Some women get offended if you don't hold the door open for them.

Never open the door for someone because they are a woman. Open the door for someone because you are a gentleman.

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J. Chris Harris wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:

It's the old holding the door problem:

Some women get offended if you hold the door open for them.
Some women get offended if you don't hold the door open for them.

Never open the door for someone because they are a woman. Open the door for someone because you are a gentleman.

For all the talk, I've never had a problem with this. Probably because I don't make a big deal about it. I'll hold the door for pretty much anyone, sometimes even let them go through first. But I don't fuss about it. I don't jump ahead to be sure to get the door before the woman can. And I'll hold it for guys just as well. Nor am I bothered if a woman opens a door for me.

Frankly I think the whole "women get offended if you hold the door for them" thing is an overblown anti-feminist meme. I hang out with a bunch very liberated empowered woman and I've never seen this.


I'm never offended by anyone holding the door for me. I hold the door for others, as well.

Scarab Sages

I've never had a problem with it, either. My point was that it isn't really about who's going through the door.

Liberty's Edge

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The problem holding the door is when there's no gap in the stream of people and you get stuck there forever, never able to stop holding the door without being mean to somebody....

Scarab Sages

Christina Stiles wrote:

Yep, I've shown up at many a table as the only woman there. My most unusual game was where there was one guy, the 5 other women player, and a woman GM. It was a Savage Worlds game of Ponyville Horror.

I don't mean to sidetrack the thread, but Ponyville Horror is an awesome concept for an RPG.

Being trapped in door-holding mode is a hazard that comes with the territory. I've found that another vict-, I mean kind person, will usually come along and take your spot after a little while.


KarlBob wrote:
Christina Stiles wrote:

Yep, I've shown up at many a table as the only woman there. My most unusual game was where there was one guy, the 5 other women player, and a woman GM. It was a Savage Worlds game of Ponyville Horror.

I don't mean to sidetrack the thread, but Ponyville Horror is an awesome concept for an RPG.

Legal issues would prevent someone from writing it, I would imagine. Erica Balsley runs this Savage Worlds game at various NC cons. It is a blast!

Hm. I guess I've been lucky, I never had any problems with acceptance in my games; then again I began playing in the Army, then joined my university's Gaming Club when I got out.

We tended to play champions, so female characters weren't that unusual.

Gender/sex related issues I've seen?

1: Sex with the group members: One of the other female players (there were 3 of us) was living with one of the male players; they broke up and she claimed he'd abused her and kept all her stuff. She then hooked up with -and eventually married- one of the other male players. 2 kids and a vasectomy later, she divorced him (while sleeping with a much younger friend of his) and made the same claim of abuse.

2: DM had the Hots: One of the male players wanted to start a new home-brew fantasy game (GURPS, I believe): humans only, no magical stuff to start...except for Female player #2, who got to be an elf, who had spells and a unicorn familiar that murdered the mentor of one of the other male players. That game when nowhere fast, btw.

Of course, I met my husband in that same group. 23 years and still going strong. :)

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