"thank you for your patience"

Website Feedback

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At various points over the weekend I was getting the traditional "no store" message, which ends with "Thank you for your patience."

I think we can all agree that I lack that particular virtue, as do many of the other posters here. I feel, therefore, that this error message misrepresents both me and those same other posters.

Accordingly, I propose that the message be changed from "Thank you for your patience" to "Suck it up, nerds."


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I think that the picture of the goblins tearing the computer apart should be replaced by a CG motion picture entitled "there be goblins here" replete with celebrity voice actors and a John Williams score.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Patrick Harris @ MU wrote:

Accordingly, I propose that the message be changed from "Thank you for your patience" to "Suck it up, nerds."


Considering the average sense of humor combined with the ability (or rather lack thereof) to detect irony and with customer entitlement over here, you'd have a thread with people rallying for a class action lawsuit in a jiffy ;-)

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Sure. But we'd be having a cheap laugh, and the victims (that is, future us) would not be significantly more aggrivated by such a message than the "thank you for your patience" one.

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