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First off my character is an Oracle of life with no set deity to worship.
I own the book and started to read the first book before getting invited to the campaign. I told the GM and he was ok with that as long as i stopped reading (I did and only got to the glassworks).
The characters name is Valmoon.
Growing up Valmoon never knew his true parents however, this didn't bother him as everyone in his home loved and treated him like a sibling or their own child. To this day the circumstances behind his mysterious arrival to the temple of Calistra leave many unanswered questions. These questions lead to Valmoon almost always having his nose in books. Valmoon spent much of his time studying ancient languages like Thassilon and the heavenly and demonic plains languages. It wasn't long into Valmoon's teen years that some of his "gifts" started to appear. First mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises started to go on around Valmoon and then shortly after he would start speaking in languages such as Abyssal and/or Infernal to "people" who were not there. This caused quite an uproar at first until they also discovered his talents for spell casting, it was then that the mishaps, occurrences and, speaking in tongues were understood.
Valmoon is an Oracle and as such Valmoon would spend time traveling from temples of Calistra to temples of Pharasma. It was during one such trip that Valmoon meat Shamira a fellow "priestess of Calistra". At the time she had been greatly injured and it was Valmoon who healed her not knowing what she truly was. It was during this time alone with Valmoon that she discovered the vanishing tattooed symbols on his shoulder blades, that he had spent a great deal of effort to hide from others. When pressed about it Valmoon divulged to her that it wasn't just Pharasma and Calistria's symbols that showed up on his back but, Nocticula and Charon's as well. If it wasn't for that Valmoon may well have found himself dead though he never knew it. Shamira could tell that having Nocticula and Charon's symbols on his back disturbed Valmoon but, over time she convinced him that it was ok. It was also her influence that convinced Valmoon to travel to Sandpoint after hearing of the recent troubles there.
In Sandpoint Valmoon was introduced to two other individuals both from the town. One a very capable female warrior and the other her childhood friend a male "scout" who's is infatuated with "pies" (in window sills). After events happened Valmoon found himself with these two quite a bit.
After the sawmill and the finding of Ven Vinder's daughter Kathrine dead. Valmoon placed a "false life medallion" gotten from Nualia hoping it could help in some way. Gm ruled that it would in fact help her stay "fresh". Valmoon then promised Mr. Ven he would help bring her back if it was within his power. Telling him that he should spend his time loving his currently living daughter the attention she desires and desires. (Valmoon has been "involved" with Shayliss helping her plot to get dad's attention using his room to provide the illusion of her being involved with an "adventurer."
we cleared Foxglove manor and fallowed the leads to Magnimar, Valmoon's home town. We got to the foxglove townhouse and found the "foxgloves" alive and well there to great us.
Here's were the problem is. Real live prevented me from showing up on time last session. The two group members were able to kill two faceless stalkers in the time it took me to get there.
in character I knew about the foxgloves already being dead. As I was the one who "freed" the wife. So the two monsters in the townhouse wasn't a surprise.
The Gm informed me that I had suddenly realized I had something to do else were. So I wasn't there for the fight. No big deal the scout asked for ability point help that I gave him. They then in character gave me $736GP as my share in the fight. no other information was given to me in character as they dragged me to a saw mill.
Would a CN character find this odd enough to investigate?
I feel like my character would based on a backstory with Calistria but, it could be player knowledge creeping in.
As a player they were bragging about getting a "tun" of gold and a house, exc.
They don't know that I just spent $7,992GP on the downtime system. (Lawyers, Bureaucrats, and the like.)
(I'm trying to grow better as a role player and blend/mix that in with my current character building habits. This is my second year playing pathfinder and love it.)
Any advice that can be given would be great.