Jürgen Hubert |

I was wondering - how much "in-game" time did your characters spend on exploring the region before starting on the second adventure?
I am asking because I am currently preparing my own campaign loosely inspired by Kingmaker. This campaign takes place on a remote northern continent and the idea is that the characters spend the warmer months of the first year - spring to fall - exploring the region, return home for the winter, and then return with colonists in the next spring. Given the climate, this will give them about seven months for exploring the wilderness before the next campaign arc starts - and I was wondering how much of the area they will be able to explore in that time.

Mr_Shed |

Mine took about three months, which included about a month of downtime (spread out) where they waited on various things including a potion order from Bokken, supplies from Restov, and a NPC who went to spy on the Stag Lord. They also did the majority of their exploration on horseback (50 foot speed), which made it much faster as they could explore a hex in a day instead of the 2-3 days it would have taken on foot (20 foot speed).

Spatula |

My group has taken just over 2 months so far. I picked May 1st (or whatever the Golarion equivalent is) for their start date and their last session took them into July. They've explored just about everything east and south of Oleg's, down to the lake, and a few forest hexes. They've probably spent about two weeks of that just resting.