wish spells

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Manzorian gives a spellcaster three scrolls of wish. One scroll of wish is hard to handle. Is there any good one-stop location for the ins and outs of using a wish spell? There's nothing in the index of the dungeon master's guide.

Sovereign Court

The spell description pretty lays out what the wish spell can do. Keep in mind that the scroll was made to help the party, so I personally would be inclined to honor the spirit of the wish instead of the letter.

Silver Crusade

For flavor, wishes are always granted by some powerful being from another plane. There are limits to what can be done, and if the entity is malicious, it can twist words. If it is not malicious, it may simply convey by the will of the gods this cannot be done.

I also don't allow "clauses" or "conditions" to be attached to wishes. The first cognizant request, in spirit of the request, is granted. This isn't a legal appeal where you're briefing the issue.

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