PaizoCon 2014 Countdown...

PaizoCon General Discussion

Silver Crusade

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Silver Crusade

NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to be able to concentrate on things like life and work for the next six months you know!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

That's a long time.

I just bought my con/banquet tickets. Next thing to arrange is for plane tickets…

Airfare is now booked, nice sale by US Air and Alaska Airlines this week. All set, see folks there!

Silver Crusade

Last year was my first PaizoCon. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for 2014 when I introduce my son to PFS.

Hotel? Check!
E-tickets? Check!

Under 100 days now. Woot.

--Silent Servant

Silver Crusade

ok kiddies, just over 10 days to go......

nooooo... ;_;

Silver Crusade

Now just 8 days to go. I am not looking forward to the drive from Sacramento though.....

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

How long is the drive from Sacramento? I'm driving down from about an hour north of Vancouver; I expect the drive to be about 4 hours total, which really isn't too terribly bad. I strongly suspect the Sacramento drive is substantially longer, closer to 10 hours....

Back when I was in college and grad school, I was in LA County, but my folks lived in in Berkeley, so I drove back and forth a fair amount. That was about a 6ish hour drive. Boring as hell, until I discovered books on tape, which made the whole thing much more bearable.

Silver Crusade

Google maps says 11 hours, but we are going for 10.

1d8+1... you've changed avatars! No! How will I recognize you?

Silver Crusade

I just changed again. It was necessary, I am not allowed to talk about it, but they won't catch me now. muwahahahahahaha.

Grand Lodge

We are driving up from Sacramento, but going to stop in Portland to make a side trip for some donuts and maybe Powell's, then arrive early the next morning in Seattle.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

One week!

1d8+1 wrote:
I just changed again. It was necessary, I am not allowed to talk about it, but they won't catch me now. muwahahahahahaha.


Wait. There's a convention? When did that happen?

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