PFS Spellcasting

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 2/5

Hi Everyone,

Is it PFS legal to get Greater Magic Fang cast on my character permanently?

uggg laziness...

Permanency wrote:

This spell makes the duration of certain other spells permanent. You first cast the desired spell and then follow it with the permanency spell.

Depending on the spell, you must be of a minimum caster level and must expend a specific gp value of diamond dust as a material component.

You can make the following spells permanent in regard to yourself. You cannot cast these spells on other creatures. This application of permanency can be dispelled only by a caster of higher level than you were when you cast the spell.
Spell Minimum Caster Level GP Cost Source
Arcane sight 11th 7,500 gp CRB
Comprehend languages 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Darkvision 10th 5,000 gp CRB
Detect magic 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Read magic 9th 2,500 gp CRB
See invisibility 10th 5,000 gp CRB
Tongues 11th 7,500 gp CRB

In addition to personal use, permanency can be used to make the following spells permanent on yourself, another creature, or an object (as appropriate):
Spell Minimum Caster Level GP Cost Source
Anthropomorphic animal 11th 7,500 gp UM
Enlarge person 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Magic fang 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Magic fang, greater 11th 7,500 gp CRB
Reduce person 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Resistance 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Telepathic bond* 13th 12,500 gp CRB

*Only bonds two creatures per casting of permanency.

Additionally, the following spells can be cast upon objects or areas only and rendered permanent:
Spell Minimum Caster Level GP Cost Source
Alarm 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Animate objects 14th 15,000 gp CRB
Dancing lights 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Ghost sound 9th 2,500 gp CRB
Gust of wind 11th 7,500 gp CRB
Invisibility 10th 5,000 gp CRB
Loathsome veil 10th 7,500 gp UM
Mage's private sanctum 13th 12,500 gp CRB
Magic mouth 10th 5,000 gp CRB
Phase door 15th 17,500 gp CRB
Prismatic sphere 17th 22,500 gp CRB
Prismatic wall 16th 20,000 gp CRB
Sanctify corpse 9th 500 gp UM
Shrink item 11th 7,500 gp CRB
Solid fog 12th 10,000 gp CRB
Stinking cloud 11th 7,500 gp CRB
Symbol of death 16th 20,000 gp CRB
Symbol of fear 14th 15,000 gp CRB
Symbol of healing 10th 10,000 gp UM
Symbol of insanity 16th 20,000 gp CRB
Symbol of mirroring 10th 5,000 gp UM
Symbol of pain 13th 12,500 gp CRB
Symbol of persuasion 14th 15,000 gp CRB
Symbol of revelation 12th 10,000 gp UM
Symbol of scrying 13th 10,000 gp UM
Symbol of sleep 16th 20,000 gp CRB
Symbol of slowing 11th 10,000 gp UM
Symbol of strife 18th 25,000 gp UM
Symbol of stunning 15th 17,500 gp CRB
Symbol of vulnerability 18th 25,000 gp UM
Symbol of weakness 15th 17,500 gp CRB
Teleportation circle 17th 22,500 gp CRB
Teleport trap ? 7,000 gp CRB
Wall of fire 12th 10,000 gp CRB
Wall of force 13th 12,500 gp CRB
Web 10th 5,000 gp CRB

Spells cast on other targets are vulnerable to dispel magic as normal. The GM may allow other spells to be made permanent.

So, yes.

Liberty's Edge

tcharleschapman wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Is it PFS legal to get Greater Magic Fang cast on my character permanently?

This would also be better posted in the actual PFS forums

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Guide to Organized Play wrote:

The following spells found in the Core Rulebook are not legal for play and may never be used, found, purchased, or learned in any form by PCs playing Pathfinder Society Scenarios: awaken, permanency, and reincarnate.

All spells and effects end at the end of a scenario with the following exceptions:
[. . .]
• A character may have one each of the following spells that carries overs from scenario to scenario: continual flame, masterwork transformation, secret chest, and secret page.

So, no.

Is there a PFS rules forum? We're getting a lot of overflow here with people asking about various PFS house rules.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Thanks JohnF.

To everyone else, sorry I didn't post it in the right spot. I'm rarely on here, did a word search on the Forums main page, saw a bunch of questions in the "Advice" section and posted there.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

blahpers wrote:
Is there a PFS rules forum? We're getting a lot of overflow here with people asking about various PFS house rules.

There is not a "PFS rules forum". There is a "PFS General Discussion" forum, but since PFS operates under the PFRPG rules set this is the best forum to ask rules questions in.

Few things operate differently enough in PFS to require a separate forum for rules.

A lot of things operate differently enough in PFS to require a separate forum for rules.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
blahpers wrote:
A lot of things operate differently enough in PFS to require a separate forum for rules.


Shadow Lodge 4/5

Rorary Prisock wrote:
blahpers wrote:
A lot of things operate differently enough in PFS to require a separate forum for rules.

I don't. The so-called "Rules" forum is mostly full of unfounded opinion and "In my campaign" and "ask your DM" house rules. We use actual rules as written here.

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