Goblinworks Blog: Alignment and Reputation

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

There is no reason someone cannot be online even if afk. They will be open to attack in most cases.

CEO, Goblinworks

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Xeen wrote:
Does passive rep and alignment gain and loss occur while you are offline?

No. You have to be logged in. We will evolve a way to deal with people who log in and go AFK. I suspect there will be some system associated with rep gain that tracks engagement.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Xeen wrote:
Does passive rep and alignment gain and loss occur while you are offline?
No. You have to be logged in. We will evolve a way to deal with people who log in and go AFK. I suspect there will be some system associated with rep gain that tracks engagement.

Ok, so passive rep gain and alignment loss does not occur while you are offline.

Thank you for the answer.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Xeen wrote:
Does passive rep and alignment gain and loss occur while you are offline?
No. You have to be logged in. We will evolve a way to deal with people who log in and go AFK. I suspect there will be some system associated with rep gain that tracks engagement.


Goblin Squad Member

And dont worry, the Paladins only have to do so much to keep their high alignment... they wont lose any when offline.

Actually that goes against LG settlements having problems keeping their alignment.

Goblin Squad Member

Hmmm.... if you are using online only passive Rep gain, then I wonder why you wouldn't use an Active Rep gain system combined with a maximum hourly cap (to prevent power grounding) instead? Strikes me that you'd have an easier time with AFK/Macro dectection if you could confine it to a limited set of activities that you would have to evaluate and test against rather then something intended to cover the full range of all game activities.

CEO, Goblinworks

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Carebear is a derogative term and it shouldn't be used. It's no better than any other derogative term and you're not supposed to use those on these forums either. Having a fake alter-ego do it for you doesn't help, and in fact, lowers my opinion of your value to the community.

Goblin Squad Member

Metabaron wrote:

Pluss if I'm reading this correctly will there be limitations to what areas SAD is in effect? I.e can you use SAD on a person in a back alley inside a city? Just a question if there is any information on it that I have missed in the blog.

Edit: Is there also a timer on SAD i.e a player that has already been victim of SAD will be in a "guarded" mode for i.e 10minutes?

SAD is most recently like a feat so you could do it in an alley or a settlement. It might be illegal there and get you flagged as a criminal. And there might be enough people around to fight if the SAD is denied. So functional limitations but nothing mechanical has been stated.

20-30 minutes of protection has always been in the design nothing specific has been hammered out.

Goblin Squad Member

I think that would be Chaotic Neutral alignment when one spouts off words without thought or considering how others will receive the words. Qallz is likely to end up in Bludd's town.

Us Neutral Goods recognize that for some people it's never a joke no matter the intent so we just don't do it. It's what we call "acting decently".

(See? It's about alignments!)

Proxima Sin wrote:

I think that would be Chaotic Neutral alignment when one spouts off words without thought or considering how others will receive the words. Qallz is likely to end up in Bludd's town.

Us Neutral Goods recognize that for some people it's never a joke no matter the intent so we just don't do it. It's what we call "acting decently".

(See? It's about alignments!)

There you go. I was just role-playing.

P.S: I do like Bludd, but given how I'm usually perceived on these forums, I want to make it clear that my actions don't reflect on him in any way.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Locking thread. Making offensive and insulting comments towards other posters is unacceptable, and not the kind of behavior we will tolerate on these boards.

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