Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous Base Set

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List Price: $59.99

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Mythic Adventure Awaits!

For decades, hordes of demons have ruled the Worldwound. Their Abyssal corruption has poisoned the land. Previous crusades did their best to contain the demonic invasion with the invaluable aid of a line of fortifications enhanced with magical wardstones. Yet of late, many of the crusaders have become complacent or simply fatigued from an endless war, while all along, the foul masterminds of the demonic invasion have built a deadly plan. They want to expand the Worldwound's Abyssal corruption past the wardstones and spread their evil across the entire world!

Whether you're a stalwart crusader or a simple mercenary, the Storm King's profane machinations will soon surround you. The time has come to live up to your true mythic potential and become a legendary hero in the world of Golarion! In an adventure unlike any other, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Wrath of the Righteous Base Set will take you into the depths of the Abyss—and back again! This complete cooperative strategy game pits 1 to 4 heroes against the monsters, temptations, corruption, and treachery of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game's popular Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path. Choose your character's class, build a deck of equipment and allies, and explore dangerous locations as you play through multiple scenarios in an exhilarating mythic fantasy adventure. Characters grow in potency and potential, learning expert skills, gaining magical might, and adding powerful boons to their decks. All of this will prepare them to surmount greater obstacles through a complete Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Adventure Path.

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous Base Set includes:

  • More than 500 cards, featuring 7 character classes, a wide array of gear and magical accoutrements, 6 paths to mythic power, and dozens of allies, monsters, and villains from the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path.
  • The Worldwound Incursion Adventure Deck, which begins your journey through the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path.
  • A complete set of 6 polyhedral dice.

Supplement your Wrath of the Righteous experience with the Character Add-On Deck, Class Decks, Adventure Decks, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game accessories (sold separately).

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-745-1


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New to the game and already loving it!


I picked this up a couple of days ago, having never played the Adventure Card Game before. After reading through the long - and not entirely simple to grasp - rules, I finally just sat down to play a game solo with Crowe from the Character Add-On deck. It was so cool that I immediately wrangled up my two oldest daughters (11 and 9) and taught them how to play. We had a blast! They already loved the RPG, but now this gives us something a little different to do every now and then.

It gets kind of crazy when you start figuring up how much a single adventure path will cost your family (or gaming group) to play through - especially if you use any of the class decks - but it's enough fun that we'll probably end up buying pretty much everything in the game line eventually.

I feel like there's enough depth to the strategy to keep us coming back for a long time, especially with new stuff being added in every card pack, and all of the new stuff you get as you level up.

My only real criticism is this, however: Paizo, honey, did you really think that people would want to WRITE on their cards? Seriously? Couldn't you come up with a more elegant solution than soft pencil on checkboxes? I know that there are printable character sheets, but that feels like a real diversion from the fun of just playing with cards. I don't know what the answer is, but I don't like the one you left us with.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Announced! Cover image and description are not final and subject to change.

Not sure if it matters at this point, but there is something of a late arrival spoiler here:

The original Worldwound Incursion Adventure was careful to avoid mentioning the destruction of Kenebres. Since it's over a year old, it probably isn't a big deal, but wanted to point that out


Very excited but curious is it more of the same or is the path going to have more innovations between the last two? Skull and Rise have been criticized for being same game different story. Love both but would like to see a big change.

jplarx wrote:
Very excited but curious is it more of the same or is the path going to have more innovations between the last two? Skull and Rise have been criticized for being same game different story. Love both but would like to see a big change.

It'll probably depend on how much innovation you want. (I personally haven't heard anyone say that it's same game different story, though, so I may not be the best to ask). The big thing they're adding is Mythic Power, which the original Adventure Path used. All we really know about that, though is that it involves a d20, and everything else is speculation.

If you didn't think the addition of ships, the major shift in emphasis from high monster counts to even monster/barrier counts, and the number of new victory conditions was enough to differentiate S&S from RotR, then I'm betting this is probably not going to be enough to excite you, though. However, I'm hoping to be wrong, since I do love to be surprised.

Money got tight, and I couldn't get into S&S, have Rise. This one is a must buy.

Looking forward to this one, running Rune now and I started collecting S&S. Very curious to see how different this one will be, Mythic cold be cool, if done right, and I hope perhaps we might get the new hybrid classes (ACG) to play as well??

Cheers, ARRGG, April is so far away though!!!! :(


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

descrption wrote:

including the all-new arcanist, cavalier, inquisitor, and summoner

At least one! :)

Nice, missed that part and just noted the Warpriest in S&S. Hope to see some new info on this next card game sooner or later!!


Grand Lodge

Hmm... so far, all of the Adventure Path iconics from the previous two card game base sets have been represented.

Runelords: Valeros, Kyra, Ezren, Merisiel
Shackles: Valeros, Seltyiel, Alahazra, Merisiel

I wonder if that means that Seelah, Seoni and Merisiel are confirmed to return once again as the remaining three base set characters?

If that's the case, then that's a pretty rockin' group. Especially with five females and only two males. That'd be rad! :D

However, I remember seeing a concept sketch of the Wrath base set art and I think Kyra was on it. I wonder if that means the trend of including the AP iconics as base set characters is definitely bucked this time.

Lantern Lodge

In regular play you can use any character to play even if they came from an earlier set. I think they'll have to make some update for them at least because of Mythic content

Any thoughts to what new mechanics might be used in this one (S&S had the ship)? Perhaps something related to the blessing deck or a specific World Wound idea (new deck of cards perhaps??)

I know its a ways away but so much potential here I think!!

Grand Lodge

I've been thinking about that a lot. Kingdom building and operating an army are big parts of at least half of the Adventure Path, so I wonder if that will be the "gimmick" this time instead of the ships. Or if it'll resemble Runelords more but with just the added Mythic powers.

Oh, and get ready to see this a lot:

"[insert monster name] is immune to the Electricity, Poison, and Cold (or sometimes Fire) traits."

LOL on the Immume stuff, I won't bet agaisnt that either!! :) I think though if they ever get to Kingmaker in our card game here that is where that deck mechanic may shine for kingdom building. But who knows, hope that campaign gets a look see for a card game sooner rather than later!!

Mythic something I am betting for sure though, say a very small number of specific blessing cards have an extra special ability a character can use, IF they pre choose a specific "path" or something???!!

Wait and see I guess and hoping to see some of the staff here give us something to chew on til the base set comes out!! :)


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Kingmaker would be awesome for this... *dreams of kingmaker as an adventure card game*

I dream and hope as well bud!! Ha Ha

Wonder when we will get any official low down on the base set of this Wrath Card campaign, can't wait!!


A Kingmaker set with a kingdom building mechanic would be awesome.

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:

Oh, and get ready to see this a lot:

"[insert monster name] is immune to the Electricity, Poison, and Cold (or sometimes Fire) traits."

That comes up so much in Shackles right now, and Seoni just shrugs and blasts them into oblivion anyways.

"So it's a combat 24? I discard a card, it dies."
"Aren't you gonna roll any dice?"
"It dies."
"But it's immune to-"
"It dies."
"But the after-combat dama-"
"Damage? What damage?" (adjusts rings)

Anything new at all about this, hope something pops up soon on what is new for this one!!



Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Since we've only recently released the final installment of Skull & Shackles, we haven't said much about Wrath yet. But that will change starting with next Tuesday's installment of the Paizo Blog!

COOL, thanks Vic, can't wait!!



Dark Archive

Is there any possibility that Future base sets will include 2 sets of dice rather than one? I would find it extremely useful and helpful in my personal game play at home.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

That'd bump up the cost too much—and a lot of gamers—RPG or board/card already *have* a bazillion dice. (And in addition to the cost of the dice, we'd also have to redesign the tray!)

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
That'd bump up the cost too much—and a lot of gamers—RPG or board/card already *have* a bazillion dice. (And in addition to the cost of the dice, we'd also have to redesign the tray!)

Thanks for the insight Vic, it is greatly appreciated!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello All
Usually I do not post on forums and I do not know if this is a right place to post this topic. Perhaps, someone else asked this question before, but I did not find it. I love games, as others here I guess, I own a lot of board games and I own also Pathfinder adventure card game. You know, idea that you can play RPG without a dungeon master is fantastic, but purpose of the dungeon master is, to make a story, to make an interaction. Your game has dice rolling a lot of and that is great, but it does not have a story, it does not have a reason why to roll a dice. I know that you write a story on those small cards, but this is not enough. Perhaps those stories are elsewhere, written in your other book or products, but as I understand it, this is stand-alone product and as such I want to buy it. I want to have a reason, why to roll a dice, I want to know, who my enemies are and I want to have a reason, to roll dice against them in righteous fury.
My favourite game so far, is Lord of the rings LCG. In every pack what they create, they are providing a story. They did not do it from beginning, but after they start with it, they improve game so much. I am not writing this, because I want to compare or something. I am writing this, because I love your game and perhaps, this is a way, how to make it better. For those, who do not need this, they are not force to read it, so it will not hurt them and for those other (I hope I am not only one) it will be great improvement of game. So do you plan in the future to put stories in your games? By my opinion, this is the last thing this game is missing to really replace a dungeon master.

Any news on when the rulebook will be uploaded so I can drool over it while I wait for my FLGS to receive their shipment?

ElDrobco wrote:

Hello All

Usually I do not post on forums and I do not know if this is a right place to post this topic. Perhaps, someone else asked this question before, but I did not find it. I love games, as others here I guess, I own a lot of board games and I own also Pathfinder adventure card game. You know, idea that you can play RPG without a dungeon master is fantastic, but purpose of the dungeon master is, to make a story, to make an interaction. Your game has dice rolling a lot of and that is great, but it does not have a story, it does not have a reason why to roll a dice. I know that you write a story on those small cards, but this is not enough. Perhaps those stories are elsewhere, written in your other book or products, but as I understand it, this is stand-alone product and as such I want to buy it. I want to have a reason, why to roll a dice, I want to know, who my enemies are and I want to have a reason, to roll dice against them in righteous fury.
My favourite game so far, is Lord of the rings LCG. In every pack what they create, they are providing a story. They did not do it from beginning, but after they start with it, they improve game so much. I am not writing this, because I want to compare or something. I am writing this, because I love your game and perhaps, this is a way, how to make it better. For those, who do not need this, they are not force to read it, so it will not hurt them and for those other (I hope I am not only one) it will be great improvement of game. So do you plan in the future to put stories in your games? By my opinion, this is the last thing this game is missing to really replace a dungeon master.

Yes I know what you mean, and just like you; I wanted more information about the story (which is quite deep actually) behind each game set. The solution is not actually cheep but it will give you what you are looking for.

If for example, you would like to know story behind the first card game (Rise of the Runelords) you will need to buy Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition. nelords-Anniversary-Edition

This book is divided into 6 chapters (just like 6 Adventures in the RR card game set) You can get the printed copy cheaper on amazon, or you can get the PDF version at Paizo. I got the printed book today and I spent few hours today going through the book. It has all you need and desire, I'm very happy with it. I liked the RR game set a lot even before I got my hands on the Adventure Path game. Now, I like the game even more! Looks like for Skull & Shackles game or the Wrath of the Righteous there are no one volume Adventure Paths books so to cover both game stories you will need to buy in total 12 books (6 books per game set)...ouch....such is the world we live in today.

Received my base set and Add-On Deck yesterday. It is gorgeous!

Paizo Employee Data Entry Clerk

BlackJaguar wrote:
ElDrobco wrote:

Hello All

Usually I do not post on forums and I do not know if this is a right place to post this topic. Perhaps, someone else asked this question before, but I did not find it. I love games, as others here I guess, I own a lot of board games and I own also Pathfinder adventure card game. You know, idea that you can play RPG without a dungeon master is fantastic, but purpose of the dungeon master is, to make a story, to make an interaction. Your game has dice rolling a lot of and that is great, but it does not have a story, it does not have a reason why to roll a dice. I know that you write a story on those small cards, but this is not enough. Perhaps those stories are elsewhere, written in your other book or products, but as I understand it, this is stand-alone product and as such I want to buy it. I want to have a reason, why to roll a dice, I want to know, who my enemies are and I want to have a reason, to roll dice against them in righteous fury.
My favourite game so far, is Lord of the rings LCG. In every pack what they create, they are providing a story. They did not do it from beginning, but after they start with it, they improve game so much. I am not writing this, because I want to compare or something. I am writing this, because I love your game and perhaps, this is a way, how to make it better. For those, who do not need this, they are not force to read it, so it will not hurt them and for those other (I hope I am not only one) it will be great improvement of game. So do you plan in the future to put stories in your games? By my opinion, this is the last thing this game is missing to really replace a dungeon master.

Yes I know what you mean, and just like you; I wanted more information about the story (which is quite deep actually) behind each game set. The solution is not actually cheep but it will give you what you are looking for.

If for example, you would like to know story behind the first card game (Rise of the Runelords) you will need to buy Pathfinder...

There's also a free Player's Guide pdf for most AP's, Wrath of the Righteous is here:

WotR Player's Guide

Received a nice surprise in this one when reading the rules as it hadn't occurred to me I'd be in the credits :-)

Laruuk wrote:
Received my base set and Add-On Deck yesterday. It is gorgeous!

Subscription or did you pick it up from a local store?

Grand Lodge

Daniel Hamrick 458 wrote:
Laruuk wrote:
Received my base set and Add-On Deck yesterday. It is gorgeous!
Subscription or did you pick it up from a local store?

It's not released in stores yet.

Is there any word as to when the PDF of the character sheets and card lists might be available for this set?

Daniel Hamrick 458 wrote:
Laruuk wrote:
Received my base set and Add-On Deck yesterday. It is gorgeous!
Subscription or did you pick it up from a local store?

Subscription. Arrived at my door via UPS.

Community Manager

Belky wrote:
Is there any word as to when the PDF of the character sheets and card lists might be available for this set?

It is busily being worked at this moment in time.

I would very much like to see the new Kyra please. Anyone mind giving me a sneak peek.

Community & Digital Content Director

Card lists for the Base Set and "The Worldwound Incursion" are now available!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DM_Kumo Gekkou wrote:
I would very much like to see the new Kyra please. Anyone mind giving me a sneak peek.

You want this.

Community & Digital Content Director

Added an additional download for copies of the Mythic Path cards above!

Grand Lodge

Have the promo cards been revealed? any information on this? I haven't been able to find it on the site.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We've only revealed the current releases, plus Ekkie, the Free RPG Day promo character.

Will Subscribers of the game get Ekkie as part of their subscription?

Yes. From this Paizo Blog entry:

Paizo Blog wrote:
Ekkie will initially be available at stores participating in Free RPG Day on June 20. We'll be sending her free to Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscribers with their July shipment, and she'll also be available for sale at Paizo's Gen Con booth and at starting July 30.

Hello Paizo

I would like to ask few questions. Till now I have bought all of your card games product. But I have got complaints. I would like to ask if I will encounter same problems in WOTR as I encountered in Rise of the Runelords and Skulls and Shackles:

1.Main problem is different background colours on backs of the cards. Will they have in WOTR finally same color? This is really a serious problem for me. This is first card game where I encounter such a problem. No matter what we do, we simply know, where villain is cause of wrong back color shades. And please do not answer me, that I may buy colored sleeves. This is simply not all right when you sell it like this.

2.You started to sell other products for your card games, what is great. Will you also make bigger boxes, so the sleeved cards will fit in? And I mean all 6 adventures not just first 3.

3.Did you changed your wording so there wont be so much errata?

4. Will you release reprinted cards in some pack?

5.Will you add more story to the game? Perhaps one A4 paper per box would make huge difference and it will for sure not cost you much to do it.

You can make your games better and you can be better as other companies there. I love your games and this is the reason, why I am writing this to you.

Thanks for replies.

I am not a Paizo employee, but...

ElDrobco wrote:
1.Main problem is different background colours on backs of the cards. Will they have in WOTR finally same color? This is really a serious problem for me. This is first card game where I encounter such a problem. No matter what we do, we simply know, where villain is cause of wrong back color shades. And please do not answer me, that I may buy colored sleeves. This is simply not all right when you sell it like this.

Rise of the Runelords had printing problems and experienced to printings. The first printing had problems with coloring. And of course since the second printing was by a different printer, it didn't match the first. Since then, Skull and Shackles, Wrath of the Righteous, and the class decks have been printed by the same printer as the second printing of Rise of the Runelords. So, if you have had color problems with Rise of the Runelords, that is understandable. If you have had problems with color in Skull and Shackles, then since it is the same printer for Wrath of the Righteous, you may experience the same (unless your cards had a printing problem not caught by quality control).

ElDrobco wrote:
2.You started to sell other products for your card games, what is great. Will you also make bigger boxes, so the sleeved cards will fit in? And I mean all 6 adventures not just first 3.

The box for the game and it's insert will remain the same, since many people do not sleeve they're cards. Ultra Pro has long had plans for a box for the game to accommodate sleeved cards, but their plans seem to have stalled. There are third party inserts that cab replace the box insert and will accommodate sleeved cards. The Broken Token one and the Go7 gaming one seem popular.

ElDrobco wrote:
3.Did you changed your wording so there wont be so much errata?

You can check the FAQs to see the number of errata for each (RotR, S&S, WotR). In my opinion, I think there are drastically less game altering errata, but you can judge for yourself. One reason for the amount of errata is that if the question being asked is able to be answered by changing a card, Paizo will do so. Other companies will often just answer the question being asked without tweaking a printed game component.

ElDrobco wrote:
4. Will you release reprinted cards in some pack?

Errata packs for Rise of the Runelords are already available. Skull and Shackles is in the works. I am sure Wrath will follow suit once they feel confident that the vast majority of corrections have been made.

ElDrobco wrote:
5.Will you add more story to the game? Perhaps one A4 paper per box would make huge difference and it will for sure not cost you much to do it.

There have been no announced plans for supplements to the story on the cards. (I too quite love to see something asking these lines, even if it cost a bit of money.)

Hello Paizo
Thank you for your answers. I appreciate your way of communication with customers.
I didn't knew, that you made a reprint for errated cards. I must say, that it is really a great thing. I hope, that reprint for skulls and shackles will come soon.
I live in Germany and I did not find any shop, where it is possible to buy errated cards. Sadly same goes for custom boxes. It is extremely overpriced to get some of your products to Europe. Is there a chance for this to improve?
As I mentioned before, I encountered problems with different card backs in whole skull and shackles and it was not only in base set but also in adventures. I guess I am not the only one.
Based on your answers I have decided to buy WOTR. You really take responsibility for your product and there was great improvement in number of FAQs. You are on the best way to become my favourite company. Also I appreciate increase of difficulty. It makes game more challenging and so much better. I hope that WOTR will be even greater challenge.
For the future I hope, that you became so good, that there will be no reason for ERRATA, FAQ and of course back colour problems.
Keep up the good work! And perhaps one day we will see Pathfinder boxes with stories.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's official, Hawkmoon. You're hired.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And thank you for answer Hawkmoon269:-) Sorry I miss first sentence of you post, that you are not a Paizo employee.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's hard to believe, sometimes. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

ElDrobco wrote:
I live in Germany and I did not find any shop, where it is possible to buy errated cards. Sadly same goes for custom boxes. It is extremely overpriced to get some of your products to Europe. Is there a chance for this to improve?

Regarding updated cards: As Hawkmoon mentioned, we did two printings of the entire Rise of the Runelords, and updated some cards between the two printings. Both printings were regular retail products. We sold out of the first printings a long time ago, so *most* of the Rise of the Runelords products you'll find in stores are likely to be 2nd printing (they say "Second Printing. Printed in USA" instead of "Printed in China" on the back). Any retailer who carries any Paizo products should be able to order these from their distributor.

We made the decks that Hawkmoon linked to several months after 2nd printing was released. Because the demand for them is fairly low, they're available only as print-on-demand from our partner at DriveThru Cards in the USA, and are not available in stores anywhere. Future errata decks will be made available the same way.

I'm not sure what you mean about "custom boxes." Can you give some more detail?

Vic, I think he's referring to the plastic insert within the box that holds all the cards. He'd mentioned earlier that the insert that's included with the box only accommodates unsleeved cards. Hawkmoon had suggested the 3rd party box inserts by put out by The Broken Token and Go7 as examples of inserts that can handle cards-in-sleeves, but it seems those are scarce in Germany too. =(

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