Order #2774735

Customer Service

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Hi there,

I haven't quite received this order yet, and I'm starting to get a little worried. Is there anyway to check on the status of this order, where it is, etc?



Dark Archive Customer Service Representative

Your order was processed for shipping on October 28th with an estimated 7-11 business days in transit. Currently it is the 21st business day due to the past few holidays, so your package is running significantly behind schedule. But since we don't want you to worry about your package too much, I have set up a replacement in your sidecart for sending with your next subscription shipment. You can verify this change on your My Subscriptions page. In the mean time, let us know if your original package shows up.

When your package leaves from our warehouse for an international destination it passes through the US Postal System, US Customs, your country's customs, and then your local postal delivery system. Sometimes packages can pass through this system quickly, and other times it can take the full delivery estimate. You should also check with your local postal delivery system to see if they are holding any packages for you.

Paizo does not provide tracking on international orders.

~Justin Riddler
Customer Service

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Thank you so much, that's much appreciated Justin.

I'll put up a new post if the first one comes in.

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