Race restricted spell duplication?

Pathfinder Society

Lantern Lodge 3/5

I understand the restrictions upon learning racial spells themselves, but can we duplicate their effects with limited wish and wish if we are not of the appropriate race to employ the actual spell normally?

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

As wish and limited wish both:

A) have an expensive material component
B) contain language requiring GM adjudication in the first place ("produce any other effect whose power level is in line with...")
C) most importantly cannot normally be cast in PFS play (you can't even buy scrolls of 7th level spells unless you are at least character level 13 or they appear on a chronicle)

I have no problem with them duplicating racial spells (subject to the limitations in the wish/limited wish text and only of spells approved for use in PFS).

In other words a 13th level human wizard could use limited wish to cast truespeak (a 5th level sorcerer/wizard Aasimar spell) but not half-blood extraction (a 5th level sorcerer/wizard Half-Orc spell) because the latter is not allowed per the additional resources document.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

A) different topic (but I will agree to remove this as one of my points to avoid contention)
B) that's the question, and my answer is that the wish spells are supposed to be powerful enough that you can do that kind of thing (duplicate racial spells).

If, before the ARG had come out, a player cast limited wish (let's say we're playing Academy of Secrets) and said "I wish to be able communicate with any creature that can think, you know, like a telepathy kind of thing" I would probably have thought about spells of similar ability (telepathic bond and tongues) and said "OK, but only for 1 minute per caster level" (or possibly 10/level). Now if my player says "I want to duplicate truespeak," I'll say "sure."

C) hence the reason I bolded the word "normally."

Edit: the post I was responding to appears to have been deleted.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

I'm inclined to agree Belafon, I just want to poll consensus or get one of awesome leader folk to confirm or deny before giving the thumbs up and/or doing so myself.

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