dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
We will be running more vignettes from the Quests series: Phantom Phenomena! Wanna be a Ghost-busting Pathfinder? Be there at noon at Forbury Park this Sunday, October 4th!
Check out our EVENTS PAGE.
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
It's LibraryCON this weekend at the Dunedin Public Library!!! Come along on Saturday at 11AM and see the glory that is "Green Blood on a Black Rock", the Pathfinder Society answer to Meereen's Famed Fighting Pits (for those GoT fans).
Deep in the Sodden Lands, the Free Pirate Captains of the Shackles have an annual fighting contest, pitting blood-thirsty monsters against one another in a pit fight to the end! Winner takes all. Come and be a part of the gore!
Green Blood
Black Rock
Black ROCK
Prizes and gambling to be had.
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
Pathfinders Assemble!!
This week we will be playing the last Pathfinder Society scenario of the year at Forbury! Trouble in Tamran is an urban romp for characters levels 1-5. Come along early if you need character help, or if you've never played before. We will endeavour to start at high noon.
Like this post if you learned about the game this week here at Paizo.com first, please.
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
Come one, Come all!
This Sunday (17 January), the Forbury Race Club will be again hosting the Dunedin Pathfinder Lodge and our first Lodge Game Day of the year!
What better way to get things started than our newest evergreen adventure, The Consortium Compact! Why 'evergreen'? Well, you can play it over and over again for credit with new 1st level characters (and once with a 2nd level character), so come on, GET AMONGST.
Bring your dice and let's roll into the New Year.
-The ever-excitable Dinketry
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
Alright people: we have a convention!
NatCon 2016, New Zealand's premier wargaming convention, is in Dunedin at Forbury Park this Easter weekend! Mar 25- 27 (Fri-Sun), we will be gaming alongside our wargamer brethren....and we are bringing the noise.
Get on. Register to sign up on the NatCon Warhorn site. Sign up for games. Come and game with us.
It's EASY. $20 for the weekend - all the gaming you want. Tickets at the door. And access to all the gaming stuff from all the wargamers travelling from all over New Zealand.
It's time to show off the Dunedin gaming scene, people!!!
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
Autumn is here, and so is the first Forbury in March! Pathfinders assemble!
This week sees us in Cheliax, realm of the Infernal Thrune empire. The Faithless and Forgotten three-part story arc begins with the PCs investigating a mystery. Whodunit, indeed.
Come along at noon to get involved, and don't forget to sign up on Warhorn! - 11am for character work.
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
Alright people, you may be aware of the NatCon Lovely Chaos that will be occurring next weekend at Forbury Park, but if not...SIGN UP!
And then, look again at our Dunedin Pathfinder Society Warhorn page....there's an event for the first Sunday in April listed there as well! Faithless and Forgotten, part 2...no need to have played Part 1...never fear. Check out the Warhorn page for more info or come chat at me at NatCon this Fri/Sat/Sun...
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
dinketry Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have risen from my slumber after 6.5yrs. Just call me Dinketry van Winkle.
Like many fellow gaming lodges, our little hub of fun and frivolity went largely dormant during the recent pandemic, but with the recent seismic shake-ups and the rise of the ORC, it is time to wake the dragon. Please have a look-see at our updated Warhorn page.
Additionally, might I introduce you to our new Discord channel - DAGS (Dunedin Adventure Goodtimes Shack). That's where I envision all the scheduling glory will take place.
Anyhow, see ya around. Here's to your natty 20s!
GM Dinketry |