Chaum Gainsworth Tasks

Age of Worms Adventure Path

In the "Diamond Lake" supplement from Dungeon, under the Rusty Bucket entry, it says that Chaum Gainsworth approaches the PCs and tries to form an alliance. He then asks them to complete tasks for him, mostly sabotaging the other mine managers.

Has anyone actually pursued this route? I'm curious how it went for you, and what types of jobs you came up with.

I did it, but it didn't really go anywhere. They did one job for him, trying to scare Ronatbont Mur out of town (he's mentioned in section 21 of the Diamond Lake write-up). A couple of them did it, but they didn't really have a lot of interest in helping him much more.

I also did a sidequest that a lot of them enjoyed which could pretty easily be worked into this, based on the hints for a hook in area 14. A childhood friend of one of the party members asked them to help his sister, Constance, escape town. They hired her, then snuck out a window in the night and snuck through town to get her to the Able Carter Coaching Inn, where they paid one of the drivers to leave for the Free City with her immediately. I later had her and her brother show up as employees at the Free City Arena. Perhaps you could have Chaum put them onto the task, maybe the brother is a lackey of his.

Silver Crusade

I only considered it as a background story route to get players linked to the community. Saw the note but never developed the storyline. Oddly, my players allied with Smenk, but that's a long story.

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