Shipment # 2839661 - No Shipment Notification

Customer Service

Hi folks. I got the initial notification that this would be shipped within "the next week or two" on 10/14, but have not seen the usual "Hey we shipped it!" e-mail, nor has the package arrived. Could you check and see if it was ever shipped out for me, please?

Dark Archive Customer Service Representative

Your order was processed for shipping on October 22nd and shipped by October 25th via Standard Post with an estimated 4-8 business days in transit. Currently it is the 12th business day so your package is running a bit behind. We usually ask that you give a package an extra week past the outside shipping estimate as we find that most "missing" packages arrive in that time frame. If you have not seen your package by Monday, please let us know.

You can verify the shipping date of your order, as well as view its tracking information, from your Order History page.

You should also check with your local postal facility to see if they are holding any packages for you.

~Justin Riddler
Customer Service

Finally got the shimpment (yesterday, 11/20/13) but it was badly damaged - the shiping envelope was torn and the Adventure Path in the envelope was torn as well. Any chance of a replacement copy? I'm pretty sure the USPS won't step up on this one.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I've set up a replacement to ship with your next subscription shipment.

sara marie

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