Bonewrack Isle and Introducing a new character.....

Skull & Shackles

Dark Archive

So my group I DM in RL which currently consist of

1 Rogue
1 Summoner with a fightery Pet
1 Sorc
1 Cleric
1 Monk

Will be getting joined in two weeks when we play next by a new player's character which at this point is in the early stages of planning (most likely a ranger or inquistor). When last the group left off they had just succcesfully (barely) mutinied against Plugg and his lot on the second day after the Man's Promise and Wormwood went their separate ways. Which was accomplished via some dasterdly acts by the monk (whose alignment is likely to be moving toward chaotic due to the actions taken). The party has yet to deal with Bonewrack which will still occur according to plan as I have put it in their minds they need to head to Squib's to get the boat refitted so they will be heading into the storm. The problem I am having is how to introduce the new character when they get to Bonewrack, any ideas? As written there is not any real good choices for where to introduce early in Bonewrack...the only thing I can think of is a marooning but it would have to be fairly recent because of the Ghoul Whores that wander the island...Any suggestions will be much appreciated :)

Aaron Ivey or whatever name the player choses is instead of a ghast or whatever undead is a survivor hold up in the stockade. The other options are a stow away Rahamodi sailor perhaps the son or daughter of the brutally slain by Harrigan former captain of the Man's Promise. Never forget that you can add the player living as a hermit in the abandoned fishing village on Bonewrack. Or let him make one of the existing NPCs.

Dark Archive

Gnomezrule wrote:
Aaron Ivey or whatever name the player choses is instead of a ghast or whatever undead is a survivor hold up in the stockade. The other options are a stow away Rahamodi sailor perhaps the son or daughter of the brutally slain by Harrigan former captain of the Man's Promise. Never forget that you can add the player living as a hermit in the abandoned fishing village on Bonewrack. Or let him make one of the existing NPCs.

Yeah my thought was the fishing village as well, only problem with Aaron Ivey is the placement of the stockade seems like it would not make it easy for me to get the new player into the game till late in the session which I dont want to do. want to bring her in as soon as possible meaning right after they get to the island...One thought I had which I was thinking about and mentioned was a possible marooning that only just happened days before and that the character has been hiding in the village since due to the storms and strange noise (from the ghouls and what have you) on the island and perhaps has found a journal or part of it that Aaron left behind early in his exile on the island.

Have them recruit from the crew (do the players really know the individual levels and abilities of everyone ?). New player might have to deal with an established persona, or "experience a sudden change of temper"... Maybe the character affected a disguise until now, trying to hide his allegiance and background from Harrigan

If you want to recruit "on the island", maybe have a shipwrecked survivor from the recent storm wash up near the northern cape, his boat wrecked on the surrounding reefs and then have him/her light the emergency pyre thereabouts, thinking that the pirates/group may rescue him .
This should introduce the PC earlier into the campaign...or even simpler, after the group has grounded their ship hve them spot soe detritus from another wreck (smashed offshore), to which the new member still clings/is enwrapped in and uncocnsious after his harsh ordeal

Or well... in a friend's run of the AP, they had a "new" PC drop in from the sky (victim of a spontaneous - GM fiat - Plane Shift effect ), with the player ( a Witch on the run) using Feather Fall to break the descent. Hence getting marooned on the island, requiring a good standing with the party to travel to a more civilised place ?

Just make sure, introductions are not too absurd, everything else... characters lost in teleport or dislocated by an angry Djinni/Genie, go for it, just make it memorable and give the PCs a reason to dare trusting the "new guy"

Dark Archive

Thanks for the advice DeathbyDice, it certainly gives me some ideas I was looking at the pyre when I was reading over the island as a possible place to the crew yeah they have been all about influencing the crew so the likelihood of them having someone just suddenly pop out who isnt already named in the adventure or what have you is slim to nil but it is also an option, it will I guess depend on what the person chooses as their class and such. I mainly wanted to see if anyone else had experienced issues with introducing new characters around this point in the module.

In my campaign, I only have the players "recruit" from the crew aboard (was acommon wish, to keep a common bond and plotline) . They can pick and play along with one of the estblished specialists on-sip (and have to abide with the personality in plain view, so far), and may exchange said character, if they still want to, at the next port picking up a new PC. Makes them very careful not risking many "replacements", and also makes them hiring the weirdest characters around.

Well, I missed the session before, and had the bad luck to get killed on the island. My new character wound up in a trap that left him in stasis for a hundred years, but not quite. My spirit was not quite caught, and could leave my body for a short time, and so was around to beckon the others to the hidden place where my body was trapped.

In addition to replacing Aaron Ivey, you could also have another recently shipwrecked sailor from the same storm that caused your own ship's damage. He could spot the party as it lands, and have essentially only had a few hours on the island before the party. Heck, their ship might still be around to capture. As far as someone living on the island, they might be looking for shipwrecks after the storm. However, if they have been on the island, it might break some island encounters. If the new character is merfolk or other water based race, they could be found in the water near the island. Lastly, we replaced the other character that died by having them being "guests" of big mama below.


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