Cyderak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey Guys and Gals,
I am re-launching a Kickstarter campaign with a more easily attainable funding goal.
The product I am talking about is POTION TOKENS.
What are Potion Tokens?
A Potion token is a unique coin given to a player by the DM when they find a potion in an adventure.
They are made out of both Metal and Plastic.
Potion Tokens have many functions:
* When a player uses (spends) a Potion Token, they can physically hand the Potion Token to the DM. No need to erase a potion from inventory!!
* Players can reference the small spell description on the back of the potion token that tells the player exactly what to do to resolve that spell.
To find out more or to pledge some money towards this Kickstarter go to this link:
POTION TOKENS Kickstarter Campaign
Thanks for taking the time to look through all the info and I hope I can count on your support.
Carl Bartoli.

Rubber Ducky guy |

I dig the concept, but for me I'd want to have at least 10 of most potion types on hand to keep up with player supply.
At $2.50 (or $2 if you choose field medic) each for the plastic that quickly gets expensive.
If there was an option to purchase a pdf template with the awesome art as a print at home kit I'd be all over it.
Anyway, these look awesome and I hope you reach a few more of your stretch goals.

Cyderak |

Potion Tokens supporters can score free Plastic Potion Tokens by referring a friend or fellow gamer.
--The supporter sends me a message including the name of the person they referred.
--And the referred person sends me a message telling me who referred them.
--Once i have received both messages, the supporter will receive one free plastic Potion Token of the available Potion Tokens that have achieved their stretch goal dollar amount.
To take advantage of this offer go here to the Potion Tokens Kickstarter Campaign:

Cyderak |

Hey guys and gals,
Gonna be going to GAME HOLE CON (in Madison, Wisconsin) to promote Potion Tokens.
Its a modest-sized gaming convention is Madison, Wisconsin.
Should be a good time.

Cyderak |

Cyderak |

We have reached the Plastic POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token stretch goal!!!!
POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token - Front
POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token - Back
The next stretch goal is for the **METAL** POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token at $1700.
There is only 7 days left.
So lets push to get more Potion Tokens funded!!!

Cyderak |

Hello Gamers,
There is only 5 days left on the Potion Tokens Kickstarter campaign.
We only need $283 to fund the METAL "Potion of Invisibility" Potion Token.
If everyone gives an extra $6 to $10 we can reach that goal by the end of the Kickstarter.
Don't forget to tell your gaming group, fellow gamers, friends, hobby store owners,and anyone else who might be interested in Potion Tokens.
Heres the link:

Cyderak |

Hey Guys and Gals,
You guys did it.
Alex Kammer gave another $100 just so we could get to that next level to get the METAL Potion of Invisibility funded. Thanks Alex.
We'll definitely be at GameHole CON next year. We highly recommend going. GameHole CON 2013 was a blast!! https://www.facebook.com/GameholeCon
Big thanks goes out to everyone for your generosity. You guys ROCK!!
Carl Bartoli.