Some Mini advice


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For a while now I've been looking for some minis for some of my PFS characters. Problem is most sites have small images for their minis and frankly, there isn't one single place I've seen that I can search that has a good enough selection. I know I won't be able to find something perfect. I just want something close that I can repaint and repurpose.

Here is what I'm looking for

-A female cleric or healer. Wears robes and a cloak as opposed to armor. I would prefer one that doesn't wear a bikini. I want something a little more modest or realistic.

-A Shoanti cleric of Gorum with a level a barbarian. I can see a fighter mini for him. I'm looking for a big guy with a greatsword wearing heavy plate armor, preferably with spikes. If he's not wearing a helmet his head is shaved.

-An elven swordsman, actually a magus. I thought about the iconic but trying to see if there is anything else out there. This one is a dervish magus armed with a scimitar. It would be awesome if I could fine one dressed in a colonial style outfit (he's an Eagle Knight).

-A mwangi female alchemist, yes, I know this one is all but impossible. The outfit would be all utility, zero aestherics or care for looks. Hair can be cornrows or shaved.

I've been looking for a while and I haven't come up with much so I thought I would give this a try. Any good leads would be appreciated. Thanks.

D&D Miniatures—War Drums: Combat Medic - female healer in robes

it's currently unavailable here at Paizo, but you can likely google it to find it somewhere else

D&D Miniatures—War Drums: Wood Elf Ranger - elf with scimitar

lets see if this can be any help,on the healer you didnt pick any special weapon so healer cleric of gorum, maybe elven swordsman utility clothes thats a start

Here is a nice one if you paint,

Olivia, Mercenary Cleric

Some very nice elf pirates, colonial style. Might need to remove a pistol.

black scorpion miniatures

Cut out weapons, add bandolier with potions, and a couple of bombs.

female tribeswoman

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