North Carolina, Raleigh Area - 2 Tabletop RPG players LFG

Gamer Connection

I've been playing rpgs since the halcyon days of high school and college; my wife is new to the tabletop but has enjoyed sci fi and fantasy all her life, and has played in online mmorpgs since the early days of UO. We are looking for like-minded, mature players who know the value of fun and not taking themselves too seriously. Playing a couple of times a month would be fine by us, as there are other commitments to our lives. Ideally, we would like to play in Raleigh, or very near by. We are certainly open to the idea of hosting a group, and I would be open to the idea of GMing, at least part time. Any game system would likely be acceptable, though we are partial to classic fantasy and sci fi. (The me of we is partial to superhero rpgs, but the she of we, not so much.) We are both rabid Dr. Who and Torchwood fans, though my wife hides it much better than I.

We are looking for 1 or 2 serious roleplayers to join our Durham monthly/biweekly game of Rise of the Runelords, Anniversary Edition. We are down to three players and the GM (me).

We are in the middle of Fortress of the Stone Giants, and the players opted for the "army" version of looking for the fortress, so there are a lot of NPCs being doubled up on by the players, as well as some cannon fodder being played by the GM. (Fort Rannick's new complement of Fig1 and Rgr1, if you follow the storyline.)

The game is being held at Michael & Jenna Moore's place in north Durham, NC, due to two halfling barbarians in the house (aged 7 and 8). Games are typically Saturday, 3pm to 10-11pm. The next game is 19 October 2013. Games cannot be every week due to one player working every other weekend.

You can come in and sit at the table and we'll give you one of the NPCs to play to see how the tabletop players play the RPG, or you can roll up an 11-level character. We have a fighter, an arcane archer, and an alchemist. Our cleric has RL medical issues, and my Sorcerer has "retired" as a GMPC back at Thistletop (more adventure path knowledge).

We're looking for roleplayers. Max/min/rules lawyering is tolerated, arguments and shouting at the table are not. Dinner is sometimes provided or we call out for pizza. At our current rate of speed it could take us the rest of 2013 to get to the end of Fortress of the Stone Giants.

If interested, reply here.

Jeremy Pace

Thanks for the invite, but we must regretfully decline due to distance and what appears to be a conflict between schedules (we are available every other weekend, too, but they are the opposite weekends to your established schedule). Should things change, I'll be in touch.

Actually, we are kind of laid back. We don't nitpick whether an NPC should have a certain trait or another because he grew up among the Shaonti on the Storval Plateau or something. We sit around the table pretending to be on a grand adventure and roll dice. We like to joke around and make funny pop culture references. If this sounds like you and you have the time to play every other week, more or less, then please let us know. We just want to have a couple more people at the table to share our adventures.

Ha, Dr. Wholmes, you would get along with my wife, who is huge into Dr. Who. Me, I confess, not so much. My guilty pleasure is King Arthur. I have been toying with running a super-hero game set in a Marvel Universe where the original characters of the comics aged year by year and got older, leaving the story line open for a new generation of super-heroes to carry on in the heroic legacy of guys like Captain America, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and the like. Certainly, heroes such as Thor and Wolverine, whose aging was retarded or non-existent, can carry on and have adventures in the new setting, but for the most part, Spider-Man, Captain America, the Fantastic Four, and other heroes have retired, and their children (those who had kids) are all grown up and interacting in the universe. But, it is still under construction...

Michael Moore 51, where be ye and yuir ladywife? I like the cut of your jib, and would like to further explore the enormous commercial possibilities inherent should the sheep succeed in flying. Oh, wait, momentary Python incursion. Rephrase to being curious as to if you and yours are geographically nearby. We are on the Garner side of Raleigh, but could likely find our way to anyplace in Wake County on a regular basis, as well as host.

Dr. Wholmes wrote:
Michael Moore 51, where be ye and yuir ladywife? I like the cut of your jib, and would like to further explore the enormous commercial possibilities inherent should the sheep succeed in flying. Oh, wait, momentary Python incursion. Rephrase to being curious as to if you and yours are geographically nearby. We are on the Garner side of Raleigh, but could likely find our way to anyplace in Wake County on a regular basis, as well as host.

Hey, Dr. Wholmes, this answer probably has better context here, since this is part of the thread started by jhpace1, who is currently our GM. As Mr. Pace said, we live and play in Durham. It is a bit of a hike from the Garner side of Raleigh, but we have had folks drive in from as far as Knightdale to play here. Fortunately, we are on the Raleigh side of Durham and do most of our shopping at Briar Creek. I try to visit Game Theory for Pathfinder supplies on Saturdays when I have some spare change.

We don't go afar for games right now, though, because we do have two boys, 9 and 7, who would probably destroy the venue we take them to if they do not have something constructive to do. They're sweet kids, but they have more energy than we know what to do with.

As Mr. Pace said, we do play Rise of the Runelords every other Saturday, and we fill in on other Saturdays when at least three of us can meet and I don't have a large assignment due for school. I am in my last two quarters pursuing a masters degree, and the pace is pretty brutal. The reason Mr. Pace is GMing is because I am in school, working full-time, volunteering with my sons' elementary school, and helping to coach my boys' soccer teams. When I graduate in April, I will probably return to GMing. My plans are to dabble with Boot Hill for a few sessions before going full blast back on Pathfinder.

Let's chat online for a little while, and as time picks up at the top of 2014, we'll set up a social get-together, you and your wife, me and my wife, and just chat about whatever we find interesting. My personal email is michael(dot)moore(at)mindspring(dot)com.

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