Advice on an magic item creation


One of my players want to craft a particular magic weapon with the follow specifics:

The weapon is a cestus +1 that cover all the arm.
Into the cestus there are 3 slot that can set up to 3 metamagic empower gems (rival guide pathfinder).
When the pg use the feat arcane blast, he can channel the power of the metagic gem into the magic matrix of the cestus (destroyng 1 gem for use) for empower the arcane blast.

Stating this, what type of crafting feats and craft check must give to the pg to create this item?
And do you think is not equilibrated as a weapon?

My idea was to make his Pg study the strutcture project of the item for 1 week searching books in various academy of magic and then giving him a spellcraft check of 25 for the creation of the innovative mechanism.
then he must create the object with the normal creation rules for the weapons , calculating the ability as a +1 on the level cost.

Would looking at rod-creation help ?

It sort of sounds like he wants to create/make a "one-shot" metamagic rod with 3 charges, that doesnt "recharge" every day.

is similar but not quite. The empower will work on the arcane blast that is a supernatural ranbged touch attack that convert the energy of a spell slot in pure force.
So he want to create a magic mechanism that can convert the cristallized energy of the empower metamagic gem in the empower for the arcane blast.
So i'm thinking to force him to study the idea of the conversion of the magic energy.

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