Ermehtar |

So, an interesting thing happened the other session while my group was in the Schloss in Book 2. Spoilered to prevent unintentional reveals.
She followed them around, still tossing spells through windows, until eventually they sealed themselves off and the erinyes was on the front side... with two doors... one MUCH closer to her prey... and she wouldn't know about the traps or anything.
The erinyes, not wearing a guard uniform, triggered the air elemental trap AND awakened the Apparatus when she broke down the door. She was easily able to fly away from the Apparatus and beat the holy living hell out of that elemental but her duration ran out and she vanished.
Needless to say, my players were highly entertained by the way it turned out, and I must admit I laughed, too. Has anyone else had this happen, or did I just run this encounter wrong?