Petition for Replacement Cards

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

As a customer, I have to say that I love the game, I in no way expect Paizo to provide reprinted cards for the minor errata which has cropped up, and I think Vic was more polite than I would have been. I have noticed on the Paizo boards that people often keep asking for things that Paizo has already said no to, and it would drive me crazy if I was the Paizo person who had to deal with this. A perfect example of this is the whole topic of AP reprints, where no matter how many times Paizo has said RotRL was a special case and they are not going to do it for the other APs, people keep saying, "But...but...but..." ad infinitum. Paizo has said replacement cards aren't feasible. They know their own business far better than any of us do. Asked and answered - move on. "Entitled" is exactly the term I would use for some of the posts I have seen here.

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Vic Wertz wrote:

I'm happy to engage in a *discussion* when I have time, but starting a "petition" to try to make us do something is not a good tactic—it just makes me feel like I'm being strongarmed, and frankly, pisses me off. I consider it thoroughly offensive and insulting.

I appreciate that most of the posts in this thread are from people engaging in a reasonable discussion of the issue. I'll respond more fully when I have time (which is unlikely to be today).

Wow. I was excited for this game. Then less excited as I read about the issues with the printing (I'm an editor, so those issues really bug me; even more when they affect gameplay). Now, this post has soured me on Paizo. Customer service is as important to me as the game itself (since I have so many great ones I haven't tried yet).

Consider me off the PACG wagon. Maybe, MAYBE I can get back on if Paizo shows a better attitude towards their customers.

Vic, if this is how you react on the boards, it's probably time to hire someone with some PR experience to deal with the community.

Matt Filla wrote:
"Entitled" is exactly the term I would use for some of the posts I have seen here.

I'm sick of seeing this word. Please, PLEASE look this word up, everyone. I doesn't mean what you all seem to think it means.

Lethuin wrote:
Matt Filla wrote:
"Entitled" is exactly the term I would use for some of the posts I have seen here.
I'm sick of seeing this word. Please, PLEASE look this word up, everyone. I doesn't mean what you all seem to think it means.

Yeah, I understand the English language. I'm fine with that word choice.

Matt Filla wrote:
Lethuin wrote:
Matt Filla wrote:
"Entitled" is exactly the term I would use for some of the posts I have seen here.
I'm sick of seeing this word. Please, PLEASE look this word up, everyone. I doesn't mean what you all seem to think it means.
Yeah, I understand the English language. I'm fine with that word choice.

Except that they can't be entitled. They can ACT as if they are entitled, but that doesn't actually mean they are.

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
Like then the people in my town put together a petition to try to force the town council to stop Dollar Tree from opening a warehouse, for example.

And what "force" did they threaten to use if their petition was not fulfilled?

That petition you're talking about probably didn't 'force' anything. It was probably nothing more than a list of citizens that didn't want that Dollar Tree Warehouse in their community. The Town Council had every right to make whatever decision they wanted to in that case. They might have had a whole town of unhappy people that wouldn't re-elect them next term, but I doubt there was any specific 'force' behind that petition.

What I'm trying to get at here is the cultural concept that a petition forces anything is just plain wrong, unless that petition specifically states or insinuates what force would be brought to bare if the petition is unfulfilled. But even then, with the statement of force, it's no longer a request, and thus, no longer a petition, but a communal demand. No matter the context, if you get "strongarmed" or "forced" from the word petition, then you seriously need to 1.) re-evaluate your understanding of the English language and 2.) understand how force works, both on a social and physics level. When you even look for synonyms for petition, demand isn't even among them, the strongest word I could find was 'urge,' which is only to strongly request.

The thread was not named "Demand for corrected cards," or anything, and there was no threatened action if corrected cards weren't provided (though one customer did cancel his subscription, it was AFTER Vic attacked the thread, and was due to that, not the lack of corrected cards). Thus Vic's reaction is WAY off base. Does it piss him off when his wife (or whom/what ever he lives with, if anyone/thing) asks (i.e. 'petitions') him to mow the lawn or fix a lightbulb? Does he tell Lisa Stevens that she's pissed him off because she asked (again, 'petitioned') him to take care of...

In addition to the comical value of your reply, I appreciate your logical way of addressing the issue(s) at hand. Thank you.

Lethuin wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

I'm happy to engage in a *discussion* when I have time, but starting a "petition" to try to make us do something is not a good tactic—it just makes me feel like I'm being strongarmed, and frankly, pisses me off. I consider it thoroughly offensive and insulting.

I appreciate that most of the posts in this thread are from people engaging in a reasonable discussion of the issue. I'll respond more fully when I have time (which is unlikely to be today).

Wow. I was excited for this game. Then less excited as I read about the issues with the printing (I'm an editor, so those issues really bug me; even more when they affect gameplay). Now, this post has soured me on Paizo. Customer service is as important to me as the game itself (since I have so many great ones I haven't tried yet).

Consider me off the PACG wagon. Maybe, MAYBE I can get back on if Paizo shows a better attitude towards their customers.

Vic, if this is how you react on the boards, it's probably time to hire someone with some PR experience to deal with the community.

Admittedly I was quite tempted to feed into my emotional response to his reply and also cancel my subscription, but I've been able to remain level-headed prior to that and I'm still in hopes there's going to be a 180 on how customer service is handled.

I don't know if there's anyone who's been following the upcoming releases of the Xbox One and PS4, but one of the Microsoft Employees who made a mocking tweet of people who were annoyed with their "Always Online" policy got let go. Clearly not a PR person, that guy was.

Hmm, if printing/cost is an issue, would it be possible to use something like (yes, the same people behind to run off replacement sets via Print-On-Demand?

Paizo could upload the fixed versions, and anyone wanting replacements could order them off there.

I know it's not a solution for those looking for it to be done for nothing, but trying to find an option that could actually work. Granted I have no idea if getting them cut to the exact size is an issue, as I know nothing about standards (if there are any) for card sizes, or what size the PACG cards are.

The game is a ton of fun, and while I would love reprints of the erratta'ed cards I'll still enjoy the game without them. I would be willing to pay something for them, or deal with an expansion that is a little smaller then normal to get the fixed cards.

Because I use card sleeves I could make do with PDFs of the "broken" cards, but I happen to think sleevers are a minority for this game.

As I'm a subscriber I would also be ok if the erratta'ed cards were just issued as an extra to subscribers, but I can see how non-subscribers would be miffed.

Pretty much anything you do will leave someone out.

So I wish you luck finding the least sucky solution.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm curious what cards are in dire need of reprinting.

Looking at the FAQ, so far we have:

1/ Detect Magic has a game affecting misprint on it.
2/ The Sandpoint Cathedral and Town Square have the correct information, but in a non-standard order.
3/ Bruthazmus, the +1 Bastard Sword, and the +1 Warhammer are each missing a trait.
4/ Scorching Ray erroneously has the Basic Trait.
5/ Speed is missing a Divine check.
6/ The Sihedron Medallion is mislabeled as to which set it came from.
7/ Other cards could be worded more clearly.

IMO, only 1, 3, & 5 actually affect gameplay.

If Paizo were to re-print those cards, they would still require passes thru editing and the art department, an order to be queued at the printers, printing, shipping overseas, then the logistics of getting them out to customers.

Basically, to reprint 5 cards at close to the cost of a full print run.

Or people can print off the FAQ and put it in the box with the rules.

Things may be more feasible in electronic format, or as part of another printing of the game. However, I feel some of the expectations expressed here are extremely unrealistic.

Matt Thomason wrote:

Hmm, if printing/cost is an issue, would it be possible to use something like (yes, the same people behind to run off replacement sets via Print-On-Demand?

Paizo could upload the fixed versions, and anyone wanting replacements could order them off there.

I know it's not a solution for those looking for it to be done for nothing, but trying to find an option that could actually work. Granted I have no idea if getting them cut to the exact size is an issue, as I know nothing about standards (if there are any) for card sizes, or what size the PACG cards are.

I'm in the 'replacements not necessary or required camp' and I would definitely still go for using drivethrucards (or similar setup) in this regard. Matt.... you, I like. Great idea.

@ScribblingRambler - thank you for the summary!

By the way, slightly off topic, but is there a PDF of the FAQ? I've just seen the web page, but printing that's fine too.

Grand Lodge

h4ppy wrote:

@ScribblingRambler - thank you for the summary!

By the way, slightly off topic, but is there a PDF of the FAQ? I've just seen the web page, but printing that's fine too.

I just did a copy/paste into wordpad, deleted some blank lines and adjusted the fonts. I think it ended up being 4 pages.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:

I'm curious what cards are in dire need of reprinting.

Looking at the FAQ, so far we have:

1/ Detect Magic has a game affecting misprint on it.
2/ The Sandpoint Cathedral and Town Square have the correct information, but in a non-standard order.
3/ Bruthazmus, the +1 Bastard Sword, and the +1 Warhammer are each missing a trait.
4/ Scorching Ray erroneously has the Basic Trait.
5/ Speed is missing a Divine check.
6/ The Sihedron Medallion is mislabeled as to which set it came from.
7/ Other cards could be worded more clearly.

IMO, only 1, 3, & 5 actually affect gameplay.

If Paizo were to re-print those cards, they would still require passes thru editing and the art department, an order to be queued at the printers, printing, shipping overseas, then the logistics of getting them out to customers.

Basically, to reprint 5 cards at close to the cost of a full print run.

Or people can print off the FAQ and put it in the box with the rules.

Things may be more feasible in electronic format, or as part of another printing of the game. However, I feel some of the expectations expressed here are extremely unrealistic.

There is nothing in 'dire need of replacing'. Some of us just like complete unaltered sets of cards for our games. I don't think anyone has ever intimated that the game is unplayable or a total disaster due to the misprinted cards. I just don't want to have a handful of cards that I had to write on to correct for the game.

It's just my personal feel about it.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I'm going to make a post to address the main point here; it's an important enough issue that I don't want it to be buried on page 3 of this thread, so I'll be starting a new thread for it. I'm locking this one, but discussion will, of course, be welcome (indeed—your feedback is actively sought!) on the new thread. I'll edit this post with a link to the new thread once it's up.

Edit: The new thread is here.

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