Two different versions of the Character Add-On, or just two different box art?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Heya guys.

I am not sure if you guys have noticed, but I have!

I have noticed there are actually two different box arts of the Character Add-On decks;

1) s-Character-Add-On-Deck-/00/s/NTExWDUwMA==/z/iCIAAMXQLQVR7rxD/$(KGrHqUOKowF HkG0bFEbBR7r)DoO7g~~60_3.JPG

2) -CHARACTER-ADD-ON-DECK-/00/s/NDc4WDUwMA==/z/kvsAAOxyE3pSHLQn/$(KGrHqFHJCkFI Kvbt+BqBSHLQm1Se!~~60_12.JPG

And on the Paizo website, you can only get 1).

Is it just the box art that is different, or even the contents inside? :-)


The version I have is number 1.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

That is strange. I doubt the contents differ.

The other is most likely a pre-production illustration

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

MikMik is correct—the one with the goblin in the corner and the characters off-center was a preproduction mockup design that was never printed.

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