Fun fantasy fiction in a new Pathfinder setting

Homebrew and House Rules

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Check out The Winding Road and let me know what you think

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Taking on some deep subjects with Bellany's chapter. She has an unwanted pregnancy with a lover that frightens her. Worse the child to be is intensly magical.

I took on the crunch over at Kobold Press and the story in This Week's winding Road.

Its the rare RPG group that can handle and play out serious topics like this one. I've been blessed to have a group like that twice and I've played out all sorts of mature topics. I can say that when you have that right group its very rewarding...

Here's the fiction:
Winding Road: Bellany

Here's the crunch:
Old Hat Monsters: Passing out Cigars

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