Praise for the game

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I hope this is an appropriate place to put this message (most threads seem to be rules questions), but I wanted to tell the game makers that I think you guys knocked this one out of the park. I played my first game last night, and I had a complete blast. It met and exceeded my expectations.

I have some friends who I have been wanting to game with for a long time, but our interests only sort of brush up against one another. A couple of guys really only play RPGs, and then there are a few board gamer types in my group of friends.

When I played this game last night with everyone finally gathered together, one RPG friend says, "I really like this game. It's fiddly enough for you board game guys, yet there are enough RPG elements here to make me happy as well." He was crafting his sorceress to like fame and fortune and entourage, collecting allies like Standard Bearer (to carry his flag), troubador (to sing of his deeds), and body guards to fit this narrative, while I was just crafting a deck to optimize my plays. It scratched both of our itches very well.

I love all the interaction among the characters the very most. I was a bit worried, when I watched/read reviews online, that each person would be a bit stovepiped, but we were in constant discussion about where to move, where we thought the bandit was, whether to trade cards around, whether we had cards that could help each other, etc., etc. It was great. We felt very much like a party, and we all had a great time.

I feel like I've been waiting for a game like this one for a long time, and I'm looking forward to getting a lot of playtime out of it. Thanks again.

I couldn't agree more, fieryseraph! I feel exactly the same!

I've played RPGs for most of my life, and for the last 3 years I have played almost exclusively Pathfinder and Paizo's modules and adventure paths, because I really fell in love with the Golarion setting and the published products were exactly what I was looking for.

Six months ago, though, my gaming group got dispersed (I moved away for a while, others moved away for good, some lost interest in RPGs etc.) and I have not found other people to play since then.

Then comes the Pathfinder Adventure Path Card Game. Having GM'ed Rise of the Runelords (RotR) in the past, I instantly felt familiar with the characters, locations and villains of the card game and thought "Hey, I will actually get to 'play' RotR and, even if I can't find other people to play with, I can play it solo!". Then I watched some videos of the card game on Youtube and my excitement grew even more: the game is amazing!

I ordered it on Amazon (shipping costs to Brazil at Paizo site were prohibitive) and I am *eagerly* waiting for the delivery. Despite my efforts, my girlfriend never really got into RPGs, but I think I have a good chance with the card game! And my old RPG friends will definitely want to give it a try!

Thanks, Paizo!!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer


I think the reason a lot of people are saying that they've been waiting for this game for a very long time is that my teammates and I have been waiting for this game for a very long time.


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mike Selinker wrote:


I think the reason a lot of people are saying that they've been waiting for this game for a very long time is that my teammates and I have been waiting for this game for a very long time.


Infallible game designer logic!

Still waiting for the game to turn up in the frozen lands of eastern Brevoy ... I mean, Poland.

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